For our older children, welcome back from the summer holidays!  For our new starters, welcome to the Pre-School!  We hope you all had a fantastic Summer and are now ready and raring to go for a year full of fun!
Does anyone have any news

Staff Update - What wording would you like in here


Requests to Parents

Clothing Labels - With your child's winter wardrobe soon coming out, please can you remember to name all your child's clothing.  Please check your child's pre-school spare clothes bag on their pegs to make sure the clothing is appropriate for the season and, no doubt your child has had a growth spurt over the summer, that their spare clothes still fit.

Events & Dates for Your Diary
Annual General Meeting - Wednesday 25th September at 7pm(Please confirm timing).  Please do attend to help us vote in the new committee, hear about what has been happening at pre-school and thoughts for the year ahead.  Its also a fantastic opportunity to have a glass of wine and some nibbles with other parents.

For our parents of children in the older year, there will be an additional session afterwards outlining what your child will be doing this year.
Parents Social - As an opportunity to meet new parents in an informal setting, we have arranged a meet up in The Three Horseshoes on 8th November at 8pm.  Please join us for a drink and a catch up. Do you know if this is happening?
Upcoming Dates for Your Diary
Our full list of events and fundraisers can now be found here.

If you are an iPhone user, you may also like to subscribe to the Seer Green Pre-School iCal by clicking on the link below when reading this email on your iPhone.  This will populate your iPhone calendar with all the pre-school dates for the year.


Easyfundraising - Keep making those online purchases using Every penny you spend can raise money for our Pre-school.

Phone Calls
- Please can we request that any calls to the pre-school to inform of illness etc are not made during the times when children are arriving and/or leaving as we are not always able to answer the phone.  Please ring either side of 8:45 - 9:00 / 15:05 - 15:20. 
- Please do not email a child's absence as emails are not always read through the pre-school day.  
- The main Pre-School telephone number is 01494 730060, the admissions telephone number is not constantly checked therefore please do not use this
General Admin

- Please regularly check your child's pigeon pocket
- If there are any changes to contact details (including childminders/nannies), addresses, doctors etc. please let Natasha know on
- All available ad-hoc sessions are available to sign up in advance (if more than a week email or if for the current week ask Kirsten or Amy)

Washing Up

- The weekly update email from the Pre-School Deputy will contain the names of the parents who are washing up for that week
- If you can't make the allocated washing up slot please arrange to swap with another parent
- If there are certain days of the week you can't help with washing up please let Natasha know on

Facebook -
We have a closed facebook group, where we share what your child has been doing that day.  Please let us know if you would like to join it.

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