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The Power of Saying, "I'm Sorry"
The words "I'm sorry" convey a greater - and enlightened importance - in our current society. 

"I'm sorry" can offer compassion, concern, mindfulness, and empathy towards another. 
For example, "I'm sorry you're not feeling well today."

"I'm sorry" goes even further to help us communicate with effectiveness; the words are not dependent on whether you have made an error or are seeking forgiveness. 

Experience how powerful these words are as a tool for loving kindness and to convey healthy boundaries with others.

Saying, "I'm sorry" is not solely about admitting fault or wrongdoing.  The power of these two words lies in how you use them; what they are meant to convey; and how you can diffuse a situation while being polite - and yet firm and clear.

Read the full post here...

We are all equal as students, even though our experiences as students may be unique.




The Power of Saying: "I'm Sorry"
It's powerful to be kind and compassionate.  It's also powerful to be disarming when you use the words, "I'm sorry" with sincerity and firmness to uphold clear and distinct boundaries.

Using the words "I'm Sorry" take on new meaning when you use them in this way...


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