Uniform Ordering Update
Red's Team Sports will be waiving the online order delivery fees from Monday, July 22 until Sunday, July 28th at midnight.  All orders placed before 7/29 are guaranteed in hand before school starts.  They will be working to ensure orders after that are done as well if possible.

Click HERE to reach their online store.

The store is open Monday-Friday from 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM and open the next two Saturdays from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM.  Please contact Red's Team Sports directly with questions at 813-308-0191.  

Red's Team Sports 4542 Eagle Falls Pl, Tampa, FL 33619 
REQUIRED: 2019-2020 Policy Agreements Due by Midnight Thursday, August 1

Dear Kindergarten through Eighth Grade Parents/Guardians,

Please click on the red button below to complete required online form that summarizes your acceptance of all policies and agreements located in the 2019-2020 Lutz Preparatory Student/Parent Handbook, Media Release, Field Trip Liability, and Health History for the nurse.

Accepting these policies and completing this form is a requirement for continued enrollment at Lutz Preparatory School, a Hillsborough County Public Charter School of Choice serving grades K-8.  This form does not apply to students attending Lutz Pre-Prep, the private tuition-based preschool located on our campus. 

ONE form must be filled out for EACH student who is enrolled at Lutz Preparatory K-8. The deadline to complete is Thursday, August 1, 2019 at midnight.  All parents who complete by the deadline will receive their student's homeroom teacher assignment via email by end of day on Monday, August 5, prior to the Meet and Greet.  If you do not complete the agreement form by the deadline, you will be required to report to the office during the Meet and Greet and complete onsite in order to receive your student's homeroom teacher assignment.

*Due to the large number of typos we have received in past years, we recommend this form is completed on a computer/laptop, not a cell phone.  We kindly request that you verify your typing in all areas for accuracy before submitting.

You will receive a confirmation screen at the end of the online form stating "THIS PAGE CONFIRMS RECEIPT OF YOUR Handbook, Media Release, Field Trip Liability, and Health History for Nurse Agreements" with additional details.  

Please do not contact the school asking for a second confirmation of receipt.  Our staff will contact you if your student is missing any enrollment requirements.  
Click Here to Complete the Required Online Agreements
Copyright © 2019 Lutz Preparatory School K-8, All rights reserved.

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