The Messenger 
Quest Church Weekly Devotional/   Newsletter 
July 25, 2019

Pastor's Devotional...
July 25, 2019

“Be transformed by the renewal of your mind.” (Romans 12:2) Rational therapy (a change of beliefs/attitudes leads to a change of feelings and leads to a changed life) is applying this truth to bring emotional healing to many. The premise is that our underlying beliefs about self, life in general, others and God unconsciously causes our reactions and feelings just as much as a precipitating event does. For example, someone pauses and fails to speak. A core belief that I’m not an attractive person would lead to an overreaction of depression and even withdrawal from other relationships, which in turn, causes people to withdraw from me, thus reinforcing the initial core belief. A core belief that I’m a child of God, loved and valued, leads to a follow up contact verifying the snub was accidental or indicative of a problem that can be addressed and resolved.
The feeling of rejection/depression though is as much a result of an attitude or core belief as it is of the precipitating event. This therapy involves examining and replacing the negative (I’m undesirable; the world is a bad place; people are basically mean; life’s a  xxxxx and then you die) with the positive (God loves me; people respond to love; life is filled with more positive than negative; I’m blessed beyond belief; my future will be better than my past.)
The key is identifying and changing those often unconsciously held core beliefs. Ask the Wonderful Counselor to help identify them. What does Scripture offer as core beliefs? Do the ones you consciously use align with Scripture?
(Come learn a lot more from the message this weekend!)
Holy Spirit, I’m a child of God and His love flows to as well as through me. Any assumptions I have, conscious or otherwise, to the contrary, please remove. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Prayers for Healing

Cari Dee
Chesta Hembrooke
Cliff Murphy (pending surgery)
Vanessa Robinson (pending surgery)
Laura Starich's father Jim Whipple
Daniel Ramsaywack Sr.
Paul Osborne (Angie’s husband)
The Quest Mission Team will be hosting their annual Bake Sale THIS Saturday & Sunday July 27th & 28th! 
All proceeds will benefit the Salvation Army Jamaican School for the Blind. 

Thank you Quest and friends for your outpouring support of Palmetto Elementary School by providing backpacks and school supplies which were delivered this week

Summer Blast is having a BLAST!!

The campers are having a BLAST this summer!
Bible lessons, Water day, crafts and more! The kids are being ministered to as they have fun. In-house field trips include a science presentation, an animal farm and soccer clinic. Continue to pray for the leaders, campers and directors to finish the summer strong and with memories that will last a lifetime!
Stop by the Quest Kids check-in station this weekend to get more information on events and volunteer opportunities or visit the Quest Kids Facebook page by clicking the link below!

Thank you for a successful Chicken Bowl fundraiser as we continue to build a firm foundation for our youth to serve and grow closer to our Lord!
Journey Youth meets every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Encourage your middle through high schooler to come and experience fellowship, fun, and growing in the word! Click the Facebook link below for more information and a snapshot of what goes on at Journey Youth!
Click the link below to see the new youth website!

Service Opportunities

Are you a "hostess with the most-ess"? Then Quest Hospitality Team is the perfect fit for you! You can serve once, twice or however often you are available. Duties include setting up/cleaning up coffee, hot water urns, trays with treats stocking the condiment tray.
Contact Michelle or Marge Johnstone if available!

Send your funnies to 

"A cheerful heart is good medicine..." Proverbs 17:22
Here are a few links with tips to prevent leaving a child (or pet) in a hot car.

Here is another link to surviving the heat this summer

Don't forget about the largest organ of your body... your skin! Protect it from damaging ultraviolet rays by using plenty of sunscreen and take breaks from sun exposure.
August Calendar

Did you know...
Giving online is easy and allows you to set up automatic recurring contributions and view your complete online giving history from anywhere you have access to the internet. Simply follow these easy steps:
1. Visit the church website at
2. Click on the “Donation” button under the website banner.
3. Click on the profile button
4. Follow the onscreen instructions to create an online profile and to schedule your recurring contributions.
Scan this QR CODE                                                         

with the QR Code app from the App store and be taken directly to  our giving site, Vanco.
 If you have any questions, please call the church office .

**Another giving option is to contact your financial institution and inquire about setting up "Bill Pay" or "EFT" which comes straight from your financial institution to the church at NO COST to you or Quest Church.
Where do you fit? What are your strengths? What are your gifts? If you are having trouble answering any of these questions, take this online Spiritual Gifts Assessment test
I hope you enjoyed The Messenger! Contact Michelle Diaz at for questions or comments.

Visit our Facebook page or website by clicking one of the links below
Copyright © Quest Church, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
9600 West Colonial Drive
Ocoee, FL 34761
For Directions to Quest: 
1450 Citrus Oaks Ave. Gotha, FL 34734
Our service times are:
Saturdays 6:00-7:15 pm, Sundays 9:00-10:15 am & 11:00 am- 12:15 pm

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