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South Carolina Infragard CyberCamp 2019


The 2nd Annual South Carolina InfraGard CyberCamp is a week-long summer camp for STEM-focused High School students (rising 9-12th graders) being held the week of July 29-Aug 2, 2019. Camp begins each morning at 8 am and lasts until 4 pm.


CyberCamp is being held this year on the campus of North Augusta High School in North Augusta, South Carolina. Students are supervised at all times by the many professionals engaged in the camp, National Guard and FBI staff.



CyberCamp engages students’ technical skills and aptitudes for information technology and security. The CyberCamp is designed to be a launch pad for students to identify their future career path in science, technology, engineering, math, and cybersecurity. Students will be eligible for future internships, references, and other future career benefits.

Camp counselors are credentialed cybersecurity experts from the FBI, local community colleges and private industry.  Students will be supported as they learn cutting edge cybersecurity skills, and techniques.  Each student will be mentored by experts through scenario-based learning processes to develop their critical thinking skills and security awareness. This is an amazing opportunity to learn from industry experts and to jump start a student’s path in stem education.


To register or for questions, please contact Joy Stephenson @ 803-641-2428, ext. 12611


Thanks to our Camp Sponsors!



Other SC Events and News

 SCISACA_2  SC Midlands Chapter 54 Special Chapter News  July 2019

Chapter Members and Prospective Members  Welcomed
Date: July 31, 2019
Time: 6:00pm - 9:00pm 
3 CPEs 

Location: TOPGOLF Swing Suite
1624 Main Street
Columbia, SC 29201
Meeting Agenda 

6:00pm -8:00pm     General Meeting 
                           >  Board Elections  (Link to Nominated Candidates)
                           >  Approval of New Proposed Bylaws (Link to Proposed Bylaws)
                           >  Certification Update Information
                           >  SheLeads Tech Initiative
                           >  Cybersecurity Nexus Initiative

8:00pm - 9:00pm     Networking and Team-building

*There will be light refreshments and a cash bar.*



Find us on the web at:

Thomas Scott
CyberSC Executive Director



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