Our mission is to prevent suicides on the Golden Gate Bridge and advocate for restricting access to all means of suicide.
July 2019 Newsletter
2019 Golden Gate Bridge Suicide Statistics
Confirmed suicides January-June: 9
Unconfirmed suicides January-June: 1
Interventions January-June: 85
Suicides & interventions January-June: 95

Source: Golden Gate Bridge District
2018 Golden Gate Bridge Suicide Statistics
Confirmed suicides during the year: 27
Unconfirmed suicides during the year: 4
Interventions during the year: 187
Suicides & interventions during the year: 218

Source: Golden Gate Bridge District
Books Worth Reading

They're not typical summer beach reading, but anyone who is interested in the subject of Golden Gate Bridge suicides will find three books by Bridge Rail Foundation members of interest: The Final Leap: Suicide on the Golden Gate Bridge by John Bateson (University of California Press, 2012); The Girl Behind the Door: A Father's Quest to Understand His Daughter's Suicide by John Brooks (Scribner, 2016); and Cracked, Not Broken: Surviving and Thriving after a Suicide Attempt by Kevin Hines (Rowman and Littlefield, 2013).
Documentaries Worth Seeing

For movies we also recommend three: Suicide: The Ripple Effect (produced by Kevin Hines, 2018); The Joy of Life (directed by Jenni Olson, 2005); and The Bridge (directed by Eric Steel, 2005). Hines is one of the few people to survive a jump from the Golden Gate Bridge, and since that day has traveled the world promoting suicide prevention (see below). Olson's movie premiered at the Sundance Film Festival and tells two stories, one of which is the history of the Golden Gate Bridge as a suicide magnet. Steel's documentary sparked current efforts to end suicides from the bridge.
New Kevin Hines Film

After the success of his first movie, Suicide: The Ripple Effect, Kevin Hines is working on another film. This one, to be called The Net, will document the story of the successful effort to install a net on the Golden Gate Bridge and the many people who have helped make it possible. Interviews are being scheduled with key contributors, and the first filiming session will be completed this month. A release date hasn't been set, but is planned to coincide with the official competition of the net in 2021. Go to for more information.
New Book on the Horizon

BRF President Paul Muller (right) reports completion of the first draft of Organizing for Suicide Prevention, the story of advocates' fight to stop suicides on the Golden Gate Bridge. The book is cowritten by Jennifer Lewis, a social work professor at USC and activist in ending suicides from the Coronado Bridge in San Diego. It is intended as a supplemental text for social work students and others who are interested in organized advocacy around social issues. A publication date hasn't been set yet.
Bridge Rail Foundation is an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization. Safe, secure, tax-deductible donations can be made by clicking on this link. Community support makes our work possible.
Copyright © 2019 Bridge Rail Foundation. All rights reserved.
3020 Bridgeway #179, Sausalito, CA 94965.

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