Process Translated


We're at a meeting with the Harvard Law School team at the Project on Predatory Student Lending. This team focuses on for-profit schools that made career promises to students, but failed to deliver. The story is a feature in the Harvard Law School Bulletin. The office is the sort of nondescript office you'd expect from a community law center.

Chris Dempsey is assisting and we set up a number of small hand held strobes around the room that move as I move and change my angle. When I'm working I don't really think about making images that are "Good" vs "Bad." I like to meet the situation where I am and I want the images to reflect my relationship to the story.

The story is out now. See the feature and Ronn Campisi's amazing design here. See more images of people at work here.

Copyright © 2019 Leah Fasten Photography, All rights reserved.