 VBS - Day 4
Power Launcher: Go Beyond With Thankfulness!

Bible Story: Jesus Heals 10 Lepers (Luke 17:11-19)

Today, voyagers learned that the Samaritan man in this story showed his faith in God by his words and actions. When we think about ways we can show our thankfulness, it helps us to remember that God's power working in us helps us make a difference in the lives of others. Elementary crews learned about static electricity, ate cornucopia cones and crafted luminaries. Preschool crews played games, explored planets and textures, and worked with magnets in science. 

Throughout the week, the Vector Verse that will be reinforced is: Glory to God, who is able to do far beyond all that we could ask or imagine by his power of work within us!
Ephesians 3:20
Participant Notes
  • You may sign out and pick up your child(ren) between 11:55 a.m. -12:00 p.m.; elementary-age in our Sanctuary, preschool in Bailey Hall. Please be prompt to allow our volunteers working the afternoon session time to eat lunch.
  • Due to adding an afternoon session this year, there will NOT be a Thursday evening program, as in previous years. Instead, plan to join us in celebrating our new friends and faith on Sunday, July 14th at both the 8:45 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. services. We will be singing the VBS song "Even When the Lions Roar" and hearing from EP3-20. Please arrive 5 minutes before service begins, and kids are invited to wear their VBS shirts. Kids will sit up front at the beginning of the service to sing their song, hear a Children’s Sermon, and then return to their seats with their parents. The service will last approx. 60 min, and there will be Holy Communion where we invite ALL to the table, regardless of background or age! Light refreshments will be served between services.

Thank you for sharing your children with us this week! It is a joy to watch them learn about God and share His love through learning and play!
Here's the theme song for the week, "On Our Way to Mars"