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Hummingbird Waldorf Playgroup


Newsletter, 15th July 2019

Playgroup Dates

Playgroup dates - at the Nerang Uniting Church
  • 9.30am Tuesday 16th July Uniting Church, Nerang.
  • 9.30am Tuesday 23th July Uniting Church, Nerang.

Children's Puppetry Workshop Images

Two-day Seminar

Best practices for the care of the child from Birth to Three
With Katherine Scharff and Jane Swain

Shearwater, The Mullumbimby Steiner School
3rd and 4th August 2019

More information visit this page:


“Why is it vital for kids to play”  - ABC Podcast – Play
“To truly know the world, look deeply within your own being;
To truly know yourself, take real interest in the world”

Rudolf Steiner
Our postal address is:
Sophia Waldorf School
28 Glen Circuit
Clagiraba, Qld 4211

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