
What you may have missed

In May we asked you to pray for us as we had a very difficult decision to make. We trusted God and believe that he answered that prayer in a positive way.

In June we explained our decision and then explained our needs.

In July we gave update to how the Lord is answering the prayer of His people.
July has been so very busy. Thank you for being a conduit of Gods grace upon us. Below are the answers to our prayers.
In June Bill mentioned that his laptop needed to be replaced and we had planned for him to accept a salaried position in Davao, but now that we will be serving in Malaysia he asked if others would help us replace it. A family Maryland took this upon themselves. They helped him choose a refurbished HP EliteBook, with plenty of memory and tons of speed and the next day told him that they would be purchasing this for him.  Thank you!  
In the same newsletter he explained how it beneficial it would be for the learning center if Bill could be there during its soft opening. We don't plan to move until January, but the school will officially begin this fall.  Two different families, one overseas serving as missionaries and a family from Indiana sacrificed for this cause and now he has his itinerary to be there for the opening of school. Thank you! 
(Image is a draft)
  • A number of you have communicated that you were waiting to see how you could help until we get closer to traveling. We are still at 45% of our projected budget for the 24 months we have committed to serve in Malaysia and we still need monthly pledges that would begin January of this next year. 

Wendi's Wanderings

In May we often find a plant called either wild Honeysuckle or Autumn Olive, depending on whether you ask the locals or look it up on a botany site.  Whatever its proper name, the DNR advises that we should get rid of whenever we see it, because it’s not indigenous to woods, and the plants will take over trees.

However, as it chokes the life out of the trees it produces a lovely scent, and the odor wafting through the woods is sweet and pleasant. There’s a metaphor there somewhere. More than one, in fact. How many sweet, comfortable, and pleasant things do we believe or accept simply because it makes us feel sweet, pleasant, and comfortable to believe them? Meanwhile, these sweet and pleasant falsehoods, like the incense of the green witch in C.S. Lewis’ Silver Chair, fog our thinking and choke out truth. Eradicating such pests, both plants and ideas, isn’t easy.

Some advise that hand pulling of the very young autumn olive plants is possible. In the same way, carefully rooting out the source of false assumptions before they take root is possible, though it does some serious self-knowledge, and then once you've identified the weeds in your life, you have to take time, pay attention, and engage in the mental and spiritual equivalent of backbreaking, stooping labor.  With the invasive autumn olive/wild honeysuckle, burning, cutting and girdling actually encourage vigorous new growth. What does work is handpulling, and also cutting followed by an application of herbicide.

It’s not enough to just cut out false notions and inaccurate assumptions, either. They must be replaced with that ultimate killer of the weeds of the brain, Truth.  In order to apply truth, one must have a good, steady supply of it.  Wisdom helps, too.  Wisdom calls in the streets, and in the markets she raises her voice, according to Proverbs.  According to James, if any of us lack wisdom, we can ask for it.

Going to Malaysia is a big decision, but along the way are countless smaller decisions to be made, some seem important, some don't and sometimes the small ones turn out to matter more than I'd imagined.  What do we pack? Do I take this, buy that now or later when we are in Malaysia?  Will the backpack we've used the last three years hold out another two? Which books do I take in hard-copies, which do I take as e-books, and how can I protect the thousands I have to leave at home? What do I need to do to get the American house ready? What do we need to do to get ourselves read? What do we need to know?  What are we supposed to be doing here and now? Who should we be reaching that we are not?   Am I reading my Bible as much as I should (Wendi confesses- no, not at all).

Would you join us in praying for us to have wisdom and a sense of peace over the decision large and small that we face as we plan our move to Malaysia? 
This trip reminds Bill of the time he left Wendi with their first baby daughter while he attended BMT for the USAF in 1983. He knew he was doing the right thing, but we also know that we will miss so much while we are away. 
Seventeen years and a mere seven children later he was serving as a recruiter for the USAF and wrote an brief article for Recruiter Magazine. 
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Bill is willing to speak to churches, missions groups or any other group that would like to learn more about International Christian Schools and how important they are to the Christian Missionary in the field.

You can download his letter below.
Download the letter
These links will provide more information about Rocklin Learning Centers
The Millers Newsletter explaining the need & who they are looking for 2019 (pdf)
Rocklin Learning Centers in Malaysia
Rocklin Learning Center in the States
Rocklin Directors Newsletter
Rocklin Learning Center (KK) Brochure
This is Bill with Russell Wiesner. Russell is the director of Rocklin International and had a chance to stop by to discuss the need in Kota Kinabalu

Bill & Wendi Capehart
Luke 17:10

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