Winter health tips from Shavana Health
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  • Read on for some further winter health tips from Molly.

Winter Wellness

Here we are, half way through our cold winter.

If you have already had the nasty cold or flu that was doing the rounds, you should hopefully see the rest of the year out without getting sick again. However, you never know, as there are literally hundreds of winter bugs floating around looking for a nice warm home to live in.

So let’s look at a few simple things you can do to keep yourself and your family protected until the warm spring sun joins us again

Vitamin C

Vitamin C helps to keep your immune system robust, and boosts the fighting ability of your white blood cells. So through winter, it is a good vitamin to take. Don’t take mega doses on a regular basis. Just 1,000mg is sufficient for an adult to keep your immune system rolling. 

Vitamin A & D

Here I like my patients to take Cod Liver Oil. Yes it tastes a bit nasty, but it is a very valuable addition to the winter support protocol.  Melrose make a very reliable CLO and you can get it in the Health food shops.


Zinc is another important winter remedy. It helps to keep your immune system active, and has strong antiviral and antibacterial properties.


Do purchase a local honey if you can, it will be less processed and more natural. Honey has such wonderful antiviral and antibacterial properties. It can soothe a sore throat and cough.

Honey and lemon drinks using hot water, are delicious and very soothing.  Another really good remedy if you are coming down with a bug, is to cut up an onion, place in a bowl and cover with honey, about 3 tablespoons full. Leave it for a few hours in the fridge, or overnight. The juice from the onions mixes with the honey. Take a spoonful every couple of hours. Tastes delicious and is a great antibacterial and antiviral syrup.


Ginger is a bit like honey, in that is has some great health properties. You can grate some ginger into a cup of boiling water, or just nibble on it. It can be a bit hot, but it is delicious. 

Herbs are an important addition on a daily basis. 

Echinacea, Elderberry, Olive Leaf and Andrographis are your most important herbs for winter. Each herb has antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can help protect from and reduce respiratory infections.

Essential Oils are also very valuable.

Eucalyptus  and Lemon oils are the two that I use in my diffuser. When I see patients that are obviously very unwell with a cold, I will put a drop of eucalyptus on a tissue and pop it under my tee shirt. For children under 5 however, don't use eucalyptus, instead use Rosalina. 

Tissue Salts

These little miracle workers are so often overlooked.  For winter, on a daily basis, take Ferr Phos, Kali Mur and Kali Sulph. 

Some simple ways to help support your body through winter. Obviously you need to be eating well, and getting plenty of rest, good solid sleep at night, and keep yourself hydrated.

If you would like any further information, send me an email

Happy wintering!


Molly Knight is a herbalist, nutritionist, iridologist and clinical hypnotherapist. Molly has been in clinical practice for over thirty years and currently operates the Shavana Health Centre, formerly the Allergy Prevention Clinic.
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