Hi <<First Name>> :)

We noticed you visited the page for our new Money Manifestation Mini-Course, but didn't take the step to get started with it, and we wanted to find out what prevented you from taking this opportunity?

If you let us know what it is that stopped you from going ahead with taking that step, we can see if there's a way to help you with whatever it is you need. 

We created this course because we know that so many people experience limiting money patterns (we both had them, ourselves, so we know what it's like) - and we want to make sure that we give you the best chance possible, of clearing those blocks, for good. 

We know that the information in this course is powerful and transformational, and that we are on-hand to help you through any challenges you may experience along the way. 

So, let us know (just hit "Reply" on this email to send us a quick message) - what we can do, to help you take that next step - what stopped you so far? And what do you need, in order to make that commitment to yourself and your financial future?

Love (unconditional, as always)
Odille and Steve
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