The Zen Group of Western Australia Newsletter
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Newsletter - July 2019

Membership for 2019 - 2020: Due by 31 July
Thank you for your support of the Zen Group of Western Australia. If you have not done so already, please consider becoming a member of the ZGWA or renewing your membership for 2019-2020. Members are entitled to discounted and priority places for Sesshin and Zazenkai, to borrow from our library, and a subscription to The Wobbly Pot. Funds raised through membership allow us to rent the venues we use, offer dana to our teachers, maintain our website and podcast, and hold all of our events. You can download a membership form by clicking here. You can also collect one from the dojo. Membership forms are due by 31 July. Please email them to, or submit to a Councillor at the dojo. If you are renewing your membership and your details have not changed, you do not have to submit a new form. Simply send an email to to let us know you have transferred your membership fee. Discounted memberships are available to concession holders, families and Sangha members from out of town. See the form for more information.

Dharma talk by Ross Bolleter Roshi: Zen and the Word: poems that inspire our life and practice - August 1
This Thursday, Ross Bolleter Roshi will give a Dharma talk at St Paul's dojo entitled Zen and the Word: poems that inspire our life and practice. To warm this midwinter night you are invited to bring along poems (or brief prose pieces) that have inspired your life and practice, including poems by yourself. The talk will be brief to give an opportunity for everyone to share poems they love. It’s also totally fine to come without a poem and to enjoy the occasion. The talk will begin at 7.30 pm, following a round of zazen at 7 pm.

Sit on Country with Michael Wright at Kaarta Gar-up (Kings Park) - August 4
Michael Wright invites Sangha members to join him in sitting on Nyoongar country on the first Sunday of each month. Meet at Kaarta Gar-up (Kings Park), beneath the mari trees near the main war memorial, at 9.15 am. Zazen and kinhin will be followed by discussion, and those who wish to stay usually adjourn to a nearby coffee shop together. All are welcome.

Dokusan with Ross Bolleter Roshi - August 8 and 22
Ross Bolleter Roshi will offer dokusan at St Paul's dojo on Thursdays August 8 and 22. We will sit in the hall between 7 pm and 9 pm.

Annual General Meeting - August 11
Our AGM will be held at 1.30 pm at St Paul's on August 11. An agenda was distributed to members yesterday. As part of the AGM, a new Council for 2019-2020 will be appointed. If you are a member, please consider running for Council. It is a great opportunity to work with sangha and be involved in the running of the group. If you're interested in a Council position, feel free to reply to this email with any questions or ask a current Councillor at the dojo. We hope to have a number of new Councillors for the coming year.

Zazenkai with Ross Bolleter Roshi - August 17
Ross Bolleter Roshi will lead Zazenkai on August17 at St Paul's. Further details  are available on our website.  A registration form will be available soon in the dojo and at the above link. Please contact Zazenkai Coordinator Andrea Donohue with any queries:

Sacred Ink Writing Workshop with Brigid Lowry - September 8
Writing is a creative path to your depths, to growth and joy. It is a safe tool for the investigation of yourself and your world. It can be a map to your heart, a means of connecting to lost parts of yourself, a gentle road to your creativity and your spirit. The spiritual journey is also a creative path, forged by life events, and these two paths are often interwoven in our lives in mysterious ways.  Sacred Ink is a workshop is designed for people who have both a spiritual practice and a writing practice. It will combine a variety of creative exercises and meditations in a playful yet purposeful way, aimed to enliven your ordinary miraculous life.

Date:   Sunday September 8th
Time:  1.30 – 5pm
Venue:  Earthwise -  315 Bagot Rd, Subiaco 
Cost for one session: $50 for members, $60 for non-members
Cost for both sessions: $80 for members, $100 for non-members.
Bring: Pen and paper. Afternoon tea provided.
Bookings: Brigid Lowry: 0404 735 224
Brigid Lowry is a widely published writer, a teacher and an editor.  She lived for seven years in a Theravadin Buddhist Community and is a longtime student in both the Zen and Vipassana traditions.

Spring Sesshin with Ross Bolleter Roshi and Mari Rhydwen Roshi - September 28 - October 5
The ZGWA's annual Spring Sesshin will take place at Origins Centre, Ballingup, from September 28 to October 5. Please reserve the dates for this practice opportunity. More details will be forthcoming sooner to the event.

Welcoming Newcomers
Sangha members who come regularly to help set up on Thursday nights are encouraged to warmly welcome newcomers. Please introduce yourself and ensure the person receives an orientation session as well as a free copy of our Orientation Notes to take home (if they wish). Let newcomers know to check out our website (  where they can register for the newsletter online so as to receive all the ZGWA newsletters, The Wobbly Pot and occasional announcements. 

We acknowledge  that we live, work and meditate on the boodja  of the Wadjuk Nyoongar people, the traditional custodians of this land. The ZGWA pays respect to Nyoongar Elders, past, present and emerging. We are grateful to the Nyoongar people, who have cared for this land since ancient times, and continue to do so.

Our mailing address is:
Zen Group of Western Australia
PO Box 442
Fremantle, WA 6959

Add us to your address book