reconnect yoga

In this e-bulletin:-

“When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.”
Maya Angelou
Hi <<First Name>> ,

I want to say from the depth of my heart, how touched I have been of the outpouring of support that I have received from the last e-bulletin. I want you all to know that I have read all the text messages, emails, social media comments as well notes that were left for me. Your thoughtfulness shared through words, soups, recommended reading and your own stories were definitely appreciated and cherished. I may not have replied to all as I was pretty out of it for a couple of weeks. Promised that they have all been read! I felt so supported and cared for by you all. Like the saying above, yes I am blessed!

I am recovering very well from the surgery. I have been fortunate that I will not be needing further chemo or radiotherapy. I say ‘YAY ‘ to that. Our bodies are so amazing! Healing happens under the right conditions ie. rest, movement, good sleep, fresh air rest. As one of you advised me - SIT STAY HEAL!!!! I have been doing that.

I am now slowly pacing myself back into teaching and private practice. As most of you are aware, I have been back teaching the last two weeks and it has felt really good to be back in the studio space. I will resume private sessions from next week onwards with a couple of consults on Tues - Thursday. Please get in touch with me to make an appointment.

There has been some changes to the timetable this school term.
  • RESTORATIVE YOGA class is now available on regular class pass. YES! You can use your weekly class pass for the 4pm EMBODIED REST class on Sunday facilitated by Belinda.
  • COMMUNITY MEDITATION CLASS will be back on stream from mid-Aug. Keep an eye on website or social media.
  • PRECIOUS REST is being offered. Yes, 2 hours of yummy delicious Restorative Yoga. The next 2-hour workshop is on 16th August.
That you for making Sally (fillin for Sue’s Tuesday class) and Janice (fillin for Renee Prime Time Yoga class) feel welcome at the studio.

Heart felt gratitude,
Wai Ying

Stop a few times a day and look within and around you for some good like feeling of gratitude or the beauty of the structure of a leave. Look your eyes and notice how it feels in your body. Is the a sensation of warm, a felt sense of softness, a feeling of Ahhh…. Or anything else?
Looking and experiencing the good helps to steady the mind. This makes the brain less susceptible to the spikes and lows of dopamine.
Clinical somatics
This workshop is for anyone interested in optimising diaphragmatic function to increase oxygen intake as well as regulate stress. The link of breath function with nervous system health is well documented.
restorative yoga reconnect yoga
Need I say more! This one is for you to take some time out to rebalance your nervous system.
Copyright © 2019 Reconnect Studio, All rights reserved.

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