A new report on animal advocacy in India, ACE’s 2019 prospective goals, and an op-ed on plant-based protein.
ACE Monthly Newsletter

July 2019

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Animal Advocacy in India

In order to learn more about effectively reducing animal suffering in India, we researched the local context, considering at once the political, economic, and cultural factors that could impact animal advocacy. This report highlights key findings as well as important questions for further consideration.

2019 Prospective Goals

2018 was a year of transition for ACE. We had a number of changes in key staff and conducted an extensive executive director search. Our 2019 Prospective Goals outline our plans for navigating those changes and highlight our department-specific and organization-wide goals for the year, some of which have already been completed or are underway.

From Hamburg to Beyond: How Revolutionary Are Vegan Burgers?

Plant-based alternatives to meat like the Beyond burger are growing rapidly in popularity, but they also face harsh criticism. What are the most common misconceptions about plant-based meats, and how can we respond to them? ACE Content Specialist Caroline Beret considers these questions in a recent op-ed.

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