
What's New at NCTR?

Associate Director Erica Hines recently concluded a project with 100kin10 to help diversify the STEM teacher pipeline. The project launched a new website that collects and shares strategies for recruiting and retaining teachers of color. It also provides profiles of organizations that are undertaking this work, and it offers links to papers, articles, and reports that focus on recruitment and retention.

What We're Reading

A new paper from Bellwether describes the way in which residencies “redistribute” the cost of developing teachers makes them ideal for recruiting people of color into the profession. “If we want diverse teachers with an abundance of on-the-job training, residencies are a very promising model.” NCTR's data backs that up: 55 percent of teaching residents in our network last year were people of color.

Vendor Opportunity

The Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation is searching for a vendor to provide professional development for assistant principals in and around Kansas City. The goal is to enhance their instructional and leadership skills. The application deadline is Aug. 9. Read the RFP here.

Featured News

Partner Programs Testify to the Residency Model on Capitol Hill

Representatives from NCTR partners Virginia Commonwealth University and RTR (formerly the Richmond Teacher Residency) appeared on Capitol Hill July 17 to testify about their efforts to improve teacher preparation. VCU School of Education Dean Andrew Daire told lawmakers that colleges and universities must provide “earlier and extended” opportunities for teacher candidates to work in schools.

Daire, testifyied before a joint U.S. House Education and Labor Committee subcommittee hearing on “Educating our Educators: How Federal Policy Can Better Support Teachers and School Leaders.” He was joined by Terry Dozier, the director of the Center for Teacher Leadership at VCU. She also oversees RTR.

Daire told lawmakers that teacher development programs must adapt to prepare teachers for high-need and low-performing schools, and that policies must address teacher retention in addition to recruitment and preparation.

Daire specifically noted that RTR, as a comprehensive model of teacher preparation, hits all of those needs. 

“Research from residency models and initiatives from around the country also demonstrate the value of getting teacher candidates in classrooms early,” Daire testified. “... Learning to teach is a complex task that requires intensive school-based experiences in which individuals have a chance to combine the theory of effective teaching in high-needs schools with extensive opportunities to practice under the tutelage of effective veteran teachers and highly trained mentors. RTR provides this in multiple ways.”

RTR prepares teachers for public schools in Virginia’s Chesterfield and Henrico counties and the cities of Petersburg and Richmond.
In the News
Kamala Harris promises $2.5 billion for teacher prep programs at HBCUs to improve educator diversity
The idea is her first concrete proposal on how, as president, she would diversify the teaching profession, an important part of her education platform.
Aspiring teachers deserve time with a mentor before going it alone
The Hill
This op-ed by Louisiana State Superintendent John White and researcher Dan Goldhaber argues that all states should give every new teacher “a mentored internship before full-time, independent teaching.”
Black Male Teachers: Becoming Extinct?
The Root
In previewing their new book, Black Male Teachers: Diversifying the United States' Teacher Workforce,” the authors argue that selection biases within alternative teacher-certification programs and deficiencies with teacher-certification examinations thwart many black males' ambitions to teach.

Please note that the articles and events in the NCTR E-Blast do not reflect the opinions of our organization, but rather represent information that we believe will be relevant to you and your programs.

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