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Interested in a weekend sewing retreat in Michigan this fall? 

I’m excited to announce that I’ll be teaching a sewing workshop at Camp Luna Wolf this fall, September 13-15, 2019. Camp Wolf's founder, Marney Wolf, is a multi-talented creative and artist who I met at Squam Art Workshops a few years ago; she is passionate about supporting women and bringing creative women together.

This weekend retreat will be held at Camp Woodbury in Dexter, Michigan, just west of Ann Arbor, Friday evening to Sunday noon. There are options for both overnighters (includes fantastic meals and lodging) and commuters if you're local. You can even bring your tent and camp if you so desire!
Regular camp includes three workshops: natural perfume-making, screen printing, and illustration/journal making, OR you can choose the "sewing intensive" option with me which includes sewing, instructional, and Q&A time on Saturday and Sunday, evening open sewing time, camp activities, and one of the other three workshops. I'll also be part of an entrepreneurial panel on Friday evening for overnighters. 

For the sewing workshop, we'll be making a pair of pajama pants! I'll cover seam, waistband, pocket, and hemming techniques with additional topics as time allows. The sewing pattern, which fits up to a 60" hip, will be provided. It's going to be a fantastic opportunity to relax and sew!

A limited number of machines and spaces are available; sign up now to reserve your spot.

For more details and to reserve your space, visit the Camp Luna Wolf website:
Hope to see you there!  
- Rae

PS. If it's not in the cards for you this time, but you know a friend who might be interested in this, please forward it to them!
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