Welcome to our Summer Duke Urology newsletter. The circle of life continues. At our annual Chief Residents Dinner, we said goodbye to our four Chief Residents and Two Fellows. We will certainly miss these individuals as they have contributed significantly to our program. However, they will remain part of the DYSURIA family and we wish them well in their future endeavors. We also welcome our PGY 2 Residents who began their Urology rotations in July, in addition to our four new Interns, who now directly enter the Urology Residency Program. Our Interns were highlighted in the spring Duke Urology newsletter.
Our recent Duke Tuesday In Urology postgraduate program featured Sam Chang from Vanderbilt University as our Duke Tuesday visiting professor. We had an added treat during this event, as Paul Coughlin, a 1984 graduate of Duke Urology Residency and proud DYSURIC gave a talk on the “History of the Duke Urology Residency Program“. Highlights from this presentation are available at the on the Duke Urology website. HISTORY OF DUKE UROLOGY: Evolution of the Urologic Residency System and the Southeast's First Urologic Residency presented by Paul W.F. Coughlin, MD, FACS, Highpoint, NC
Finally, we acknowledge our outstanding Pediatric Urology Program at Duke Urology. Under John Wiener‘s stewardship, Todd Purves and Jonathan Routh continue to flourish both clinically and from research standpoint. In fact, Duke Urology remains one of the key centers in the United States focusing on patients with spina bifida. A recent national meeting was held at Duke focusing on Sexual Health in Adolescents and Adults Living with Spina Bifida. This research continues to be exceedingly important as more adolescents with spina bifida transition to adulthood. Duke Urology continues to be a leader in continuity of care in patients with congenital GU anomalies.
We look forward to highlighting the achievements of Duke Urology in our fall newsletter. Have a productive and safe end of the summer.

Duke Hosts Symposium on Sexual Health in Adolescents and Adults Living with Spina Bifida
Duke Urology hosted a symposium at the JB Duke Hotel on May 18 to address Sexual Health in the Spina Bifida Population. The twenty-nine attendees included Duke patients, parents, and urologists; subject experts from across the US; as well as other adults living with spina bifida and patients advocates. The event was made possible by grants from the Sexual Medicine Society of North America and the Jones - Guerrero Fund and Josiah Trent Foundation at Duke. Leadership from the Spina Bifida Association was also present. The symposium was held to initiate the creation of a series of education videos that adolescents and adults with spina bifida can access on the internet to learn more about sexuality and sexual health. Medical advances over the past fifty years has led from a one year survival rate of less 15% to a nearly 90% survival rate to adulthood. With such success, helping these individuals lead full and enriching lives includes maximizing their potential for satisfying and safe sexuality and even parenthood.
Duke Children's Hospital Pediatric Urology Is Ranked 26th By US News 2019
The US News ranking for Children's Hospitals for 2019 was released in June. Duke Hospital was ranked 26th in Pediatric Urology which is its second highest ranking ever. Duke is one of the highest ranked programs without a fellowship and ahead of several programs with fellowships.
Drew Peterson, MD and Christopher Mantyh MD of General Surgery were invited to Dublin, Ireland in order to present their multidisciplinary approach in the care of pelvic cancer survivors. They presented their algorithm and outcomes at the PelvEx Collaborative meeting for patients undergoing reconstruction and pelvic exenteration for side effects as a result of radiation therapy.
John Wiener MD, was appointed to the Editorial Board of Translational Andrology and Urology.
Russell Terry MD, Endouology Fellow, was awarded a Urology Care Foundation (branch of AUA) Southeastern Section Research Scholar Award to study "In Vitro Assessment and Optimization of New Laser Lithotripter Technologies for Treatment of Kidney Stones," His mentors on this project are Glenn Preminger, MD and Pei Zhong PhD.
Graduation 2019:
Our graduating residents in June 2019 are (L-R)
Gene Cone, MD - Fellowship in Urologic Oncology - Harvard University - Massachusetts General Hospital/Brigham & Women's Hospital
Ghalib Jibara, MD - Fellowship in Urologic Oncology - Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Brian Young, MD - US Army - Ft. Hood, Texas (working with former resident Tara Ortiz, MD)
Bryce Allio, MD - private practice- Corvallis OR
Gene Cone, MD was appointed the 2019 - 2020 Chair of the AUA Residents and Fellow Committee.
Dominic Grimberg, MD won a prestigious American Urological Association/Urology Care Foundation Resident Research Award of $40,000 to support his research year project in the laboratory of Brant Inman MD MS for "Heat- targeted therapy for bladder cancer" in 2019-20.
Welcome to our PGY-2's who entered Urology this month.
Armand Allkanjari, MD is our military resident in the Class of 2024 and joined us after an internship at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.
Medical School: Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences - F.E. Herbert School of Medicine
Undergraduate: University of South Florida.
Scott Campbell, MD
Medical School: Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Undergraduate: Case Western Reserve University
Tyler Hobbs, MD
Medical School: Duke University School of Medicine
Undergraduate: Duke University
Christopher Kim, MD
Medical School: Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
Graduate School: Rutgers- Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
Undergraduate: Rutgers University
Welcome also to our interns who were featured in the March 2019 newsletter after the Match. This marks the first year that graduating medical students matched directly into Urology and no longer go into General Surgery. To meet ACGME requirements, they will spend six months of their internship on specific General Surgery rotations.
Congratulations to Abhay Singh (’15). He completed his commitment to the US Army and matched for a fellowship in endourology next year at Thomas Jefferson in Philadelphia. The director of the fellowship is Costas Lallas (’04).
Thanks to Jay Kim (’96) (Durham), Victor Abraham (’98) (Wilmington), and Richard Shin (’17) (Winston-Salem) for speaking to the residents and fellows on contract negotiation and private practice realities at a dinner meeting on May 23.
July 9, 2019
Morris Center for Urologic Research Lectureship
Sam S. Chang, MD MBA Professor of Urologic Surgery and Oncology
Vanderbilt University, Nashville TN
Dr Chang with Dr. Preminger (above) and with members of the Urologic Oncology team (L-R) Sam Eaton, Tom Longo, Cary Robertson, and Judd Moul
Paul Coughlin MD, High Point NC – “History of the Duke Urology Residency”
L-R: John Wiener, Judd Moul, Paul Coughlin, Allan Kirk (Chair of Surgery), Glenn Preminger, Cary Robertson

November 12, 2019
John Dees MD Lectureship
Barry Kogan MD Professor of Urology and Pediatrics
Albany Medical College, Albany NY
March 26 - 29, 2020
Duke Urologic Assembly
Omni Hilton Head Oceanfront Resort
Hilton Head, South Carolina