
Soraya's Witches Web Newsletter
28th  July 2019

Contents 28th July 2019
Mel's Weekly Challenge - Look Back 
Taylor Made Holistics - Yarrow

A Word from Moma Witch - Salt
Sandras Smiles
Join me for a Spell - Lammas
This weeks Recipe - Stuffed Peppers

Readers Offers New Paperbacks
Lunar Chart for August 19
Your Horoscope by Soraya
Leo, the Fifth Sign of the Zodiac
The Morning Ritual

To buy your 100% Pure Essential Oils from Soraya's Witches Web click here

Mel's Weekly Challenge
Every week Mel gives us food for thought, inspires us with her words of wisdom, and challenges us to acknowledge our strengths, weeknesses, or simply think about our old ingrained habits. 
This week sees my 10 year wedding anniversary to my amazing wife. I clearly remember the day, including the random song that came on the TV as we were getting ready – Knocking on Heavens Door – which reminded me that my Stepdad  was absolutely in support of us in his new existence.
We spent some time looking back at pictures and reminiscing about that day. Talking about who was there and how the ceremony went, and sometimes repeating the vows we made.  So we’re looking back. I know I’ve written a few times about looking backwards, but sometimes it’s healthy to look back and see where we have come from.
Where we were then and where we are now! It’s healthy to look back and see how far we have come in our journey, but the important thing is not to keep looking back and wishing that was where we were now.
We move, grow and learn for a reason. Sometimes when we look back to the past, we genuinely wish we were there (me, I still wish I was the size I was when I first thought I was fat!), but life and events happen to teach us something
Even in the darkest darkness, there will be a glimmer of light to grasp hold of and guide us into the dawn of the new morning. Looking backwards can also give us fresh resolve.
For us, looking back to our wedding makes us remember how we felt, and how we still feel. And give us more determination to get through anything that comes our way.
So this week my challenge is to allow a wee look backwards and give yourselves a massive virtual medal for what you’ve overcome and what you’ve achieved! And now.....I hear a small distant voice in the distance. I think it’s Prosecco calling! With love and light and a myriad of blessings  Mel xx

Taylor Made Holistics

If you’d like more information on how to use essential oils safely at home, book a treatment or have a particular ailment you would like a blend for please drop Claire an email
*Remember essential oils are highly concentrated & recommended dosage should never be exceeded. Always follow the safety information & never take internally. Treat as medicines and keep out of reach of children*.

Yarrow – Achillea Millefolium – Asteraceae (Compositae) Family

Yarrow is an age-old herbal medicine used to treat fevers, digestive issues & respiratory infections amongst other ailments. It is said that the great warrior Achilles used it to treat battle wounds until he was shot by Paris in his weak spot (his heel). It is used to flavour Vermouth.
With its fresh, green, herbaceous & camphoraceous odour, Yarrow is a deeply relaxing oil with anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent & sedative properties. It blends well with Cedarwood, Pine, Verbena, Vetiver & Chamomile.

Get your Witches Web 100% Pure Essential Oils here 
Mental Health/Nervous System Benefits
Yarrow is good for hypertension, insomnia & stress-related conditions
Physical Health Benefits
In skincare, Yarrow is useful for treating acne, burns, cuts, eczema. It helps fight colds, fevers & flu and can help to relieve the symptoms of constipation, indigestion and flatulence and is helpful with irregular & painful menstruation. It improves circulatory disorders such as varicose veins & haemorrhoids
SAFETY – never massage directly over a varicose vein, light massage above the affected vein only.
How to use:
Massage - Mix with a carrier oil such as grapeseed for massage (as a general rule use 1 drop of essential oil to 2 mls carrier oil based on a healthy adult.
Bath - Add 5-10 drops to a full bath and agitate well, the oil can be dissolved first in a teaspoon of bubble bath, carrier oil or full-fat milk.
Vaporisation - Add to a diffuser or oil burner. Alternatively, add a few drops to a small bowl of water and place on a radiator or pop a few drops on a tissue and inhale.
Steam Inhalation - Add around 5 drops of oil to a bowl of hot water, cover the head and bowl with a towel and breathe deeply for a minute - then repeat. Always remember to close the eyes when using this method.
Skin Lotion - For skin issues oil can be added to a plain skin lotion for topical use. Or to a more nourishing oil such as Jojoba or Apricot Kernel oil. Follow the same dilution guidelines as massage.
Compress – put 4 drops of oil into a bowl of hot or very cold water, take a flannel/facecloth and soak up the oil floating on the surface without fully immersing the cloth. Wring out the excess water and apply to the affected area.
Do not use during pregnancy. May cause sensitization in people with sensitive skin.
 **Remember essential oils are highly concentrated & recommended dosage should never be exceeded. Always follow safety information and never take internally. Treat as medicines and keep out of reach of children. Some essential oils are not suitable for certain medical conditions – always seek advice if unsure**
A Word from Momma Witch
Where would we be without salt, yeah I know its great on chips and everything else, but did you know that salt supports a healthy nervous system, improves sleep, helps you stay hydrated, promotes good vascular health, balances electrolytes and prevents muscle cramping, and there's more...
Consecrated Water
A blend of salt and water can consecrate and cleanse your sacred space and sacred tools. It can be used for working in circle, for blessing your home and garden to ward off negative energy, or in a bedroom to help eliminate night terrors or bad dreams.

I knew an old lady who was terrible trouble with sleepless nights and believed that spirits were visiting her while she was sleeping. I made her a bottle of consecrated water and gave her instructions how to make it for herself. She sprinkled it round her bed and in the corners of her room and came back a week later to tell me how wonderfully well it worked for her.
Stand by a window or outside and put three pinches of salt into a bowl of water then raise your dominant hand above your head pointing at the Moon.
Imagine that you are drawing energy from the Moon into your hand. You may feel nothing at all, but it is better if you can feel a tingle in your arm or your body. Place your pointed figure into the bowl of salted water and stir three times whilst repeating the words below.

Salt is life here is life, sacred be without strife,
Salt is life here is life, sacred be without strife,
Salt is life here is life, blessed be without strife.

You can make more than you need and store it in a glass bottle among your magickal accessories, or you can make it fresh each time you cast a circle.

This Weeks Recipe - Stuffed Peppers

4 bell peppers
For the stuffing
1 pound of minced lamb (beef also works well)
8 ounces of basmati or long grain rice (uncooked)
4 ounces of butter
Salt & black pepper
4 cloves of garlic
Half a teaspoon of cinnamon
1 tablespoon of fresh mint (finely chopped)

Carefully remove the centre stock and core from each pepper, but save the stalk to use as a lid when the peppers are stuffed. Rinse the inside of the pepper to remove any loose seeds and set them to one side. Prepare your stuffing by placing the rice in a jug or bowl then cover with boiling water. Let this stand for a minute whilst you put the minced lamb, mint, spices and seasoning into a large bowl.
Grate or cube the butter and add this to the bowl of meat. Strain the rice through a sieve and add this to the meat while it’s still hot and thoroughly mix all these ingredients together with a fork or better still, with your hands.
When all the ingredients are combined loosely stuff each pepper with the mix. Add 1 clove of garlic to each pepper and place each stalk on each pepper.

Stand the peppers in a pot so that they are upright. If the pot does not hold your peppers tightly in place you can scrunch up some baking foil to support them.
If there is stuffing
 mix left over and all your peppers are filled, you can loosely sprinkle the excess stuffing around the peppers (before you add the foil).
Pour cold water into the pot so that it comes 
half way up the peppers. Bring to the boil covered with a lid then turn the heat down to a simmer.  Cook gently, topping up with a little boiling water to prevent them from burning. The loose stuffing will swell and cook before the peppers so be careful, keep the lid on tight and don’t let it burn.
Serve with sour cream dressing
half cup of double cream
The juice from half a lemon
Salt and pepper
Place the double cream, lemon juice, and seasoning into a bowl and whisk until the cream thickens. Taste and add more seasoning or lemon juice if required.

The Power is in Your Hands

Lammas Greater Sabbat - July 31st

Lammas is also known as Lughnasadh is named for the God Lugh.  The Goddess as Mother Earth is worshipped for the rich bounty that she has bestowed us with.
The Sun God weakens at this stage and is slowly dying as the days grow shorter and we move towards winter, but she is full with child and confident in the knowledge that the God will be born again at Yule.

Some of our herbs and vegetables should be ready to harvest and these can be dried and stored in airtight containers or if appropriate chopped and frozen. Jams and flower syrups can be made and stored for the coming winter.
The main symbols at this celebration are corns and grains and Corn Dollies are made to decorate our altar or house as we celebrate the first harvest.
Gather a bunch of wheat and fold the sheaves in half and keep the fronds to the top as the dollies head.
Tie this tight at the waist and neck and then take a shorter bunch and tie them across where the arms would be, or you can be really creative and make a Corn Witch.
Be as creative as you like.

A Witch's Bottle for Protection

Use a lidded glass jar and paint the runic symbol Eohl on the front and back of the jar.
Fill it with old rusty needles, pins, nails or screws, and any broken glass or pottery.
Bury this near the doorway of your home or in a large plant pot sat outside your front door to keep harm away from you and yours.

Little bottle full of pins
Sharp and jagged edges
Keep away the one who sins
Away from all our hedges
Keep us safe and keep us warm
Watch o’er us when we’re sleeping
Keep us safe and free from harm
And always in your keeping
So mote it be


Sandras Smiles
Where's My Parcel

Seriously ... Check Amazon Price - Get a signed paperback direct from me for £4.99 plus P&P

Just email me at and I will send you a paypal invoice including postage and post your book to you as soon as paypment is received.

And this one on Amazon ... Really !!!
Get a signed paperback direct from me for £4.99 plus P&P -

Just email me at and I will send you a paypal invoice including postage and post your book to you as soon as paypment is received 
This is one thing that I just can't do without. The Moon helps me to make choices and decisions and know when the best time is for any craft work. It's not just craft work though. Knowing the favourable or unfavourable positions of the Moon can help with everyday matters too - I even have an app on my phone called ILuna - if you like to have the benefit of knowing the position of the Moon at any given time then download it or follow this link and calculate the Moon chart for wherever you are in the world.  


Please, if you would like to contribute to the newsletter all you have to do is send your contribution to
You can contribute as often as you like, but I hate putting anyone including our Mel and Sandra under pressure. 
let me have your input by no later than Wednesdays. If it isn't time sensitive, I may hold it over for a week or two. All your input is welcome. Love and Blessings as always Soraya )O(

Signed Copies of Soraya's Books

Psychic Powers
If you have been drawn to this book, then you have probably had experiences that lead you to believe that you might be even the tiniest bit psychic, but psychic powers need practice and calm to be developed.
Soraya explains the importance of relaxation and how to use 
meditation and opening the Chakras to create a calm state of receptiveness and positive energy. This book gives exercises in divination using various methods that include many forms such as tarot, clouds, fortune cookies, handwriting, numbers, ancient wisdom, and also the zodiac. Appendices include sections of interpretations such as animals, birds, trees and flowers, crystals and numbers. Get your signed copy here
Book of Runes
Soraya has found that the runes, time and time again, are the most accurate of all the esoteric disciplines. Each of the 25 ancient symbols tells its own centuries-old story and in this book, Soraya gives a background to the origin of the mystic alphabet and explains how to find and use your own runes.
Soraya tells a story to describe the meaning of each rune and these stories help you to understand the meanings and how to read them for divination
. Get your signed copy here
Book of Spells
Soraya's Book of Spells contains a wonderful and comprehensive set of spells. The origins and history of
spells, and their rituals throughout the cycle of the year are explained in the first half of the book, with the materials you need, and the purpose of each spell.
The second half of the book presents a collection of spells covering such topics as luck, love, health, career, prosperity
,and travel. Soraya's Book of Spells contains everything that is needed to follow the pagan path, and is a must for both the beginner and practicing witches. Book of Spells has sold over 100,000 copies. Get your signed copy here
Book of Tarot
This book of Tarot by Soraya is an inspiring introduction to the intriguing world of divination using Tarot cards. For centuries people of all walks of life have used Tarot cards for guidance and answers.
Soraya guides you in the reading of the Tarot, from the initial purchase of your cards and theirstorage, to reading for other people.
Every card in the deck has a helpful guide to its interpretation, and there is an invaluable explanation of the significance of each card in every position of the Horoscope spread, which is Soraya's favourite Tarot card spread. Soraya's own unique designs are based on traditional Tarot symbolism and are illustrated by her husband Martin Conway.
 Get your signed copy here
Your Weekly Horoscope from Soraya
28 July - 3 August 2019

Your Horoscope by Soraya


Mercury and Saturn will ensure that you have a peaceful time this week and you may also find that there are some benefits to enjoy. Your ability to concentrate or focus will be improved by Mercury’s presence so tackle tasks that require discipline.


There might be gains for you this week Taurus, but they are not likely to be very big and may, in fact, be in the form of gifts rather than money. Neptune arrives at the beginning of the month to keep you on your toes. Stay alert.


The Moon and Pluto will do their best to exert inner emotional pressure and you have to be on your toes and aware of every moment and every action or reaction to avoid getting over-excited. Stay calm and ride the storm.


Neptune comes knocking on your door this week Cancer determined to get your attention and it might just feel as though you don’t know what’s happening from one minute to the next. Don’t blame me I’m just sharing.


Jupiter in your chart Leo will make sure that this is a good week and your mind and body will feel the benefits. There could be an opportunity to regenerate or revitalise some aspect of your life and with determination and willpower, you are likely to succeed.


You can expect various pleasant and beneficial changes this week Virgo, that is until Neptune swings by to torment you with what could be described as something from the sublime to the ridiculous.


The Moon and Mars dash into your chart with a new broom and the intention to sweep things clean. Hmm a bit like our new prime minister, still, you and I both know that it’s time to clear the decks and make a fresh start.


Soft music, candlelight, a glass of wine and a measure of romance is the prescription offered by the Moon and Venus in your chart for this coming week. Altogether this should be a really lovely period.


For the last few days of July, you might fee overly focused on something or other however Uranus will put paid to that with an unusual vibration cause some changes and will give you an opportunity to raise your consciousness to a higher level.


Make No Changes this week fellow Capricorns while the Moon squares up to Uranus as you will surely come to regret them later. Avoid making sarcastic comments and do not act without thinking.


The last few days of July will be awkward, to say the least, oh wait a minute, the first few days of August wont be much better while the Moon challenges Saturn. This could be a thoroughly depressing period.


You on the other hand Pisces, unlike Aquarius, have many things to look forward to so make the most of this period and enjoy the influences that the planets have to offer you. Social and domestic affairs should move along smoothly.

Leo the Fifth Sign of the Zodiac: 23rd July - 23rd August

Leo is a fixed, fire sign.
Your ruling planet is the Sun
Best colours are yellow, gold and orange
Fortunate gemstones are Ruby, Emerald and Black Onyx.
Best day of the week is Sunday
Best numbers are five and nine
Most fortunate location to live or work in is anywhere with lots of space
Best occupations are politics, insurance, public services
Most compatible signs are Aries, Gemini, Libra, Leo, Sagittarius and Aquarius
Least compatible are Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn, Virgo and Pisces.
You are courteous and considerate but can also be forceful and commanding.
Your sign governs the heart and bestows you with a generosity second to none.
You have amazing recuperative abilities
In affairs of the heart, you can be intense and let your heart rule your head.
Your earning capacity can be improved by being more conservative
You prefer to be at home with friends rather than socialising in the bright lights.

I'm leaving the morning Ritual here for new members and as a reminder that if you remember the Goddess in your life She will remember you.
The Morning Ritual
Stand in front of a window and take a deep purifying in breath and visualise that you are breathing in sparkling light energy. Raise your hands high above your head and then clasp your hands together in the prayer position. Draw your hands down in front of your face, still clasped, down past your heart and then separate your hands and spread them as far apart as you can to each side. Visualise all your chakra points being activated and say the following prayer as you do so.
You who are the source of all power and good
Please show me what I need to know when I need to know it
Help me to listen with understanding and speak with wisdom
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
And the wisdom to change the things  I can change.
Please show me what I need to know so that I may understand.
The world is an abundant place and
I am grateful for those gifts I have already been given
And I am open and ready to receive
those gifts that are waiting to come to me
Visualise a purple cloak of protection being placed on your shoulders and draw your hands across your chest as though you are drawing the cloak over you.
You are now ready to begin your day and you can use this ritual at any time especially if you feel insecure anxious or worried.
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