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10 Relationship Myths

Don't let these myths negatively affect your relationship.

We all enter our own relationship with certain beliefs about what a “good” relationship is and how we’re supposed to feel when we’re in one. These beliefs and assumptions not only determine our behavior in the relationship, but they also form the basis for assessing our relationship satisfaction. This includes our views about the long-term compatibility of our partners.

Most of us base our assumptions on the relationships we see around us. For example, those of our parents, relatives and friends, or what we see depicted in the media. Needless to say, such information can be quite misleading and fail to reflect decades of research about relationship satisfaction and longevity.

Here are 10 common myths that can interfere with your relationship satisfaction.  

Remember: the following statements are NOT true, that’s why we call them myths.

1. If I left this relationship, I would find Mr. or Ms. Right
Surely, there are couples that really don’t belong together. However, the majority of these not-the-right-person complaints are rooted in unrealistic expectations, in anxiety about differences, and in a common inability to negotiate and compromise.

2. Two people in a good relationship will automatically grow closer with time
How do people stay physically fit? A healthy body takes constant attention and work. The same is true for a healthy relationship. It’s not automatic. Any long term relationship requires vigilance, attention, forethought and planning. 
Read about all 10 myths →
This is an occasional newsletter with advice, articles, and information for couples written by Dr. Sara Schwarzbaum, Ed.D, LMFT, LCPC.

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