Greetings Everyone,
We hope everyone is enjoying the summer, or winter if the hemisphere dictates! In case you need a break from the summer heat be sure to check out our latest publish,
Forgotten Treasures which is packed full of all new exciting loot to fish up from the sea and dig up from the land. You can check out the full
Forgotten Treasures release notes
here. We are currently preparing for our first TC1 release of our next publish,
Forsaken Foes, which brings new equipment, some quality of life updates, and a continuation of our ongoing story arc! Keep an eye on for full release details and check out below for some fun stuff coming with
Forsaken Foes!
I would like to talk about posting on the UO Forums. This is supposed to be a place that everyone feels comfortable to post comments, bugs, and questions, not a place to be made to feel inferior by others. Rude behavior will not be permitted. Starting immediately we will be sending out warning letters when the rules are broken. If the poster persists with rule violating behavior on the forums then you will be banned for 30 days. When the 30 day ban has been lifted if the bad behavior continues posters will be permanently banned from the UO Forums. Please think before you hit post, we do not want to ban players. We want everyone to feel they can post there without being made to feel inferior or not important. The forums is not a place to post personal information, if you do the thread will be locked immediately.
We have been working on the next publish which includes some exciting quests, new items, and some bug fixes.
After reading the forums regarding items you would like to see in the store, I just wanted to tell you guys there are some great ideas that we will try to put in the store in the future.
For those that want to help friends to keep houses/accounts, I would like to let everyone know that we can not bless houses to save one but I will be happy to apply a code to the account provided by you. Remember we will check to ensure the code was purchased from the store.
We have a new toy for the Meet and Greets. You no longer have to stand in line, you sign up on the stone and we will pull you into the circle to speak to us and ask your question. Remember if you leave the area the stone will remove you from the list. We look forward to seeing you at the next Meet and Greet.
Following is the Meet and Greet schedule for July:
Chesapeake, July 29th at 7pm ET
Izumo, August 12th 9am ET
The following are actions taken on accounts that were banned or suspended during the month of May:
4 - Disruptive Behavior
59 - Macroing
1 - Naming Violation
1 - Staff Impersonation
1 - Abuse of Game Mechanics
1 - Harassment
See you on the High Seas,