
August 2019

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Barbara Marx Hubbard
Passed On

Barbara Marx Hubbard

She was a futurist who saw as real what was in her book “Conscious Evolution:  Awakening the Power of Our Social Potential.”  To quote from an article she wrote for “Venture Inward,” July-September issue:

 "We are a growing band of pioneering souls scattered in every culture, field, discipline, age, and background.  We can have compassion for all others and ourselves. We are very young and still fragile in our ability to stabilize our identity as Essential Selves, as young Universal Humans. What is new in us is so original and imperceptible that it is often difficult to  recognize what is emerging.  The global set of crises has intensified so rapidly that some observers believe we have reached a point of irreversible breakdown of our own and other species’ life-support systems, through climate change, global warming, resource and water shortages, and devastation of the soul, the seas, and the very air we breathe.  It could be that our collective shifting from ego to Essence, one by one, is a decisive factor in determining which way the system goes:  breakdown or breakthrough. This is the tendency in nature.  This is the Implicate Order unfolding and becoming explicate.  Crises precede transformation.  Nature takes jumps through greater synergy, the coming together of separate parts to make a whole greater than and different from the sum of its parts.  Is it possible that as countless ones of us make the inner shift from ego to Essence and reach out to others to “join our genius,” to express our creativity, that we are the tipping point in person?  Each of us!  I believe this is so.  Each person is a living member of the living planetary body.

Barbara Marx Hubbard was 89, a true pioneer.  I had the pleasure of spending time with her once.  As I waited my turn in a studio, she engaged the sound engineer in a talk about evolution that was mesmerizing!!!  " 

Thank you, Barbara, for the time you spent
helping us all to REALLY SEE! 

…another passing…


Farewell to
Atlantis Rising Magazine

    Doug Kenyon, editor/publisher has said goodbye.
    The problem was money; not enough subscribers.


For nearly a quarter of a century, Doug gave us a first-class magazine of the most interesting and verified research on ancient mysteries and modern miracles available. He had a gift of honest curiosity and unstoppable energy that opened doors to mystery in a way no one else did. I cut out enough articles from his many magazines, that you will still read some from time to time in this newsletter.      

You can still purchase back issues, books, videos.  
Or just e-mail for info:

If you are a subscriber, you can switch over to other magazines, like WORLD EXPLORER:  STRANGE TALES OF DISCOVERY.  Or contact:   

In their last issue, they had a section called “Crypto Corner:  News from the Frontiers of Natural Science.” Some headlines:

  • Tasmanian Tiger Spotted

  • Seven-foot Tall Insect Spotted

  • Huge ‘Pterosaur” Observed.

  • Sasquatch filmed in Utah

  • ‘Bat-Like” Flying Humanoid Reported

  • Wild Dogs in Texas have Red Wolf Genes

  • Rogue Kangaroo Sighted in Austria

  • Raining Spiders in Brazil

Strange, huh!?!   Excellent articles include “The Unfinished Obelisk” by David Hatcher Childress.  Don’t be put off by their “comic-book” magazine covers.  This is a good magazine.   

News You Normally Never Hear:

Does ZIP code equal life expectancy? 

U.S. life expectancy is currently 78.6 years. Growing evidence suggests that people’s ZIP codes might hold the most information about how long they’ll live. Researchers from NY School of Medicine used data from NYU Langone Health’s City Health Dashboard to find that 56 of the 500 largest U.S. cities are home to people who can expect to live at least 20 fewer years than those in other neighborhoods, even if they’re just blocks away. In Chicago, the city with the largest disparity, life expectancy varied by 30.1 years between neighborhoods. In both Washington, D.C., and New York City, it varied by more than 27 years.The shortest life expectancy was in the poorest areas - identified by ZIP code.

Jimmy Carter, the 39th President of the United States and his wife Rosalynn - have been married 73 years! 
He is currently 94, and she is 91. 
Their anniversary date is July 7th each year.  

Today, for the first time ever, there are more people over 60 living in the  U.S. than under 18.  Dozens of social innovators are working to answer the  question, “How can we find news ways to rediscover the joys of intergenerational  connections?”  The Treehouse Foundation in Easthampton, Massachusetts,   brings foster and adoptive families and older adults together in a supportive,  intergenerational community of about 100 people.  Judson Manor, a retirement  community in Cleveland, Ohio, invites graduate music students to be artists-in-  residence who provide performances in exchange for free rent, creating the  opportunity for intergenerational friendships.  And, Nesterly matches older  homeowners in Boston with room to spare with college students willing to help  out with chores in exchange for reduced rent.  How about in your area?     

Belief in Life After Death is highest in the Philippines, according to a 2018  Religion Module of the International Social Survey Program.  Here are some  national proportions:  

  • Philippines 83%,
  • Ireland 79, Chile 79,
  • United States 78,  
  • Cyprus 77,
  • Poland 71,
  • Italy 69,
  • Israel 66,
  • New Zealand 62,
  • United Kingdom 61,  
  • Slovak Republic 61,
  • Japan 59,
  • Austria 58,
  • Netherlands 54,
  • Australia 53,
  • Spain   48,
  • Switzerland 48,
  • Norway 47,
  • Portugal 47,
  • Slovenia 46,
  • Russia 44,
  • Latvia 44,  
  • France 44,
  • Sweden 43,
  • Germany 40,
  • Denmark 38,
  • Hungary 37,
  • and Czech  Republic 27.  

(Note the non-Christian countries of Israel and Japan.)

Nearly 80% of people who participated in a near-death experience study by University of Liege report feeling peacefulness. One Reddit user shared the experience: “It was peaceful. No lights, no pearly gates, no angels, just peace. I was in a horrible car wreck and I had a blood clot go through my heart and I died for a bit.” The user expressed frustration when brought back to life and wrote: “There’s nothing but peace and comfort on the other side.” The dreams of patients at Hospice Buffalo in New York City are revealing something incredible about the process of dying. Dr. Christopher Kerr and his team have been documenting the dreams and visions of dying patients for years. “Everybody but me was able to prognosticate death in part based on what people were seeing or experiencing. Instead of having this fear of death,” said Dr. Kerr, “it’s almost transcends the fear of death to something bigger.” In 10  years, he and his team have documented 14,000 cases. Eighty percent of his patients report dreams or visions. The dreams happen more often as death gets closer, and there are common themes, like “upcoming travel.”

The Grand Cycles of Life:  Generation, Degeneration, and Regeneration

John Van Auken wrote about this in the article “Ancient Mysteries” that appeared in the July issue of Venture Inward Magazine.

He points out that everyone goes through birth, life, death, and rebirth, with most of us living 80 to 100 years.  He points out that while reading the Akashic records, Edgar Cayce shared this: “As an entity passes on from this present time or this solar system, this sun, these forces, it passes through the various spheres - on and on through the eons of time and space.” (311-2).  While you and I can imagine eons of time or space, Cayce tells us later in that reading, that there actually is no time and no space (900-275). The greater game of life is played in a vast expanse of oneness, or “everness” - no beginning, no ending, infinite, and eternal. 

In reading 2420-1 Cayce described the trinity as -

  • God as the Father, Creator, Maker

  • The Son as the Way, the Mind, the Activity, the Preserver

  • The Holy Spirit as the motivative force., or as the Destroyer or the maker alive.

He goes on to say that Cayce’s description fits with Hinduism.  For those who are Judeo-Christian-Muslim mystics (all children of Abraham), it is helpful to correlate Vishnu with Christ.  Cayce saw Christ as eternal, even to the point of telling us that never was “a time when there was not a Christ” and that the Christ has manifested into this world over and over to spread enlightenment and battle the dark forces. (262-103)  Cayce taught: “CHRIST is not a man! JESUS was the man; Christ the messenger; Christ in all ages.” (991-1) It is this “Messenger” who helps us grow to perfection. 

Van Auken touches on the Cycles of the Grand Ages.  There are four ages or yugas, which are repeating cycles.

  1. Satya Yuga - the Golden Age. Characterized as a time of virtue, wisdom, and spirituality, with no ignorance or vice. Cosmic and moral order reign.

  2. Treta Yuga - vice is introduced. This results from a rebellious misuse of free will by some of the angelic children of God. These are the fallen/dark angels.
  3. Dvapara Yuga - there is even greater decline in virtue and spirituality, and immorality increases.  Death enters; the immortal children of God now die = get lost in the illusion. Goodness and evil battle for dominance.
  4. Kali Yuga - even those possessing some glimmer of the original Light are now tainted or seduced by dark forces.  This era corresponds with the Western Biblical version of Apocalypse/Armageddon.  At the height of evil doing a “Christ” enters, destroys evil, and builds a new world.  Satan is bound.

He cautions that these four cycles occur over and over again, and ever rise to higher levels of awareness and perception - like an upward spiral.  Many scholars believe that the Kali Yuga began February 3102 BCE and ended on the Winter Solstice, 2012, as the Mayans foresaw.  This would suggest that we are nearing the time when the Antichrist can be vanquished and we can return to another Golden Age.


by Arleen Lorrance

…Vol. 33, No. 2, June 2019, magazine “Emerging,”
a publication of Teleos Institute


If we can envision something it is because it already exists; it already is.  We make it tangible reality by aligning with it.  We think we invent the new.  But, it already is. It always has been.  We finally come to see it, to know it, to embrace it, to give it a form that we can experience.  We call the seeing an insight, a revelation.

We do not create the new.  We register the energy and creatively give it shape and form.

Our knowing occurs on the level of finer frequencies.  Below those frequencies is the mental level, the level of understanding.  To understand is to “stand under” the finer frequencies. On the mental level of understanding we configure what we come to see.  We objectify it, draw imaginary lines around it. The seeing becomes a reality, a reality of separation in which we can distinguish between things and each other.  It is a representation of the Energy World so that through the objectification and separation, we can “see” and “experience.”

In truth, in the finer frequencies there is no separation.  All is part of One Whole that vibrates and flows continuously.  The activity is one of merging and emerging.

We can touch that state when we “awaken.”  We can lift into the state in meditation. The rest of the time we live our lives on the mental level where we think about things and create values about what we see.  To know is to lift up into what Is and always has been.  It is to merge with the more and to open to the realm of Creation.

Teleos Institute, 12000 N 90th Street, Unit 2025, Scottsdale, AZ 85260

Miraculous recoveries from physical and emotional trauma

 by Dr. Mary Helen Hensley

How do you explain Mary Helen Hensley?  Yes, she came into this life a gifted child.  Yes, she had a near-death experience that opened her up to worlds beyond this one.  Yes, she is a doctor, healer, a metaphysical counselor, a medium, a seer between worlds.  Mary Helen has discovered a secret. It’s not the what or why or how or when of life that heals.  It’s understanding. What difference does it make if your problem can be traced to a past life, or if your breast cancer means the end of this one?  Nestled at our very core, all of us, is the measure to our healing. . . that grace point between soul and personality where we confront the why between choice and result.  Mary Helen takes us there via humorous tales of her own life, her mistakes, her patients, and what they discovered. The honesty, the heart-stopping proof of success in this one book, is unlike anything else I have ever read. 

A real treasure!


    One of the best scientists ever in the field of consciousness studies, has recently been fired from his job at Saybrook.  I spoke about this case last month.  What happened to him can happen to any of us.  At 86, he has never accumulated the nest egg that you might expect for one of his stature.  A GoFundMe page has been created by his friends to help out.

Please help Stanley Krippner!

    To say that I admire this man would be an understatement. I feel privileged to even just know him, and to have shared a stage with him at a conference in Hannover, Germany.


Remember this date.


Edgar Cayce referred to the Great Pyramid as a calendar.  The pyramid inch measures time from the entrance all the way to above the relieving chambers of the Chamber of the Second Birth (King’s Chamber).  The end date takes us to 2038.

The West was so focused on 2012 for the ending of the Mayan Calendar that they failed to notice the real date Mayans were looking at- - - 2038.

At the turning of an age, 13-year cycles are very important.  As with a child, 0 to 13 the average child doesn’t get into too much trouble, but from 13 to 26 is quite a different story.  If a person makes it to 26, they are usually past the worst of their trials to adulthood. Keeping 2012 in mind, the 13-year cycles go from 2012 to 2025, and then to 2038.  Cayce said: “The period of 2025 through 2038 is crucial.

This exactly matches the movement of the “so-called” dwarf planet Pluto.  It reaches what is called a “return” in the United States Astrological Chart in 2022 (spanning 2020 through 2024 - the same timeframe of our next Presidential election).  The year after is the countdown to 2038. Our country will be radically different by then, 5G will be coming into full use as will the reality of climate change and robotics.  

John Van Auken wrote a book about this:  2038:  The Great Pyramid Timeline Prophecy.

……you really need to know about this book and what it says……





         by David R. Hawkins, M.D.

…bear with me on this.  The following review is by Paul J. Hauser, J.D.  

        This book relates the 20-plus years of testing kinesiology, which was first created by Dr. George Goodheart in the second half of the 20th century and subsequently refined by Dr. John diamond in the late ‘70s into a new discipline he called Behavioral Kinesiology.  He discovered that indicator muscles would strengthen or weaken in the presence of positive or negative emotional and intellectual stimuli, as well as physical stimuli.  A smile will make you test strong.  “I hate you” will make you test weak.

        The enormous implications of these calibrations was that for the first time in human history ideological validity could be appraised as an innate quality in any subject.

        The discovery that nothing is hidden and truth stands everywhere revealed is the key to enlightenment about the simplest practical affairs and the destiny of mankind.  In the process of examining our everyday lives we can find that all our fears have been based on falsehood. The displacement of the false by the true is the essence of the healing of all things visible and invisible.

         The universe holds its breath, as we choose, instant by instant, which pathway to follow, for the universe, the very essence of life itself is highly conscious.  Our decisions ripple through the universe of consciousness to affect the lives of all. Everything in the universe is connected with everything else.

        The term “spirit” refers to an unseen essence, and although its expression varies from one situation to another, the essence itself never changes.  The essence is vital; when we lose our spirit, we die - we expire from lack of that which inspires. Spirit equates with life; the energy of life itself can be termed spirit.  True power equals life equals spirit, whereas force equals weakness equals death. When a nation veers from its alignment with the spirit of man, it can become an international criminal.

        The world’s population has an average energy level of human consciousness below 204, with 85% of the population below 200.  Only 0.4 percent of the population calibrates at 500 or higher. At 600, one in ten million achieves that. Leaders calibrated at 499:  Einstein, Freud, Newton, and Descartes. The level of Divine Grace calibrates to 1,000, the highest level achieved by any person - Lord Krishna, Lord Buddha, and Lord Jesus Christ.

        Genius resides within all of us.  There is no such thing as luck or accident in this universe.  And not only is everything connected to everything else, but no one is excluded from the universe.  We are all members. Consciousness is a universal quality.

        Kinesiology for the first time exposed the intimate connection between mind and body, revealing that the mind “thinks” with the body itself.  Hawkins provides 24 detailed chapters of the effects of Power vs. Force in our lives, many of which involve spirituality and consciousness. He clearly shows that Mankind lacks the capacity to recognize the difference between good and evil.  Always remember that the energy of a loving thought is enormously more powerful than the energy of a negative one.

…and “oowee” is Issue 734 ever scrumptious…  

Fate MagazinePhyllis Galde, the publisher, has outdone herself. She just moved, you know, from the cold chill of Minnesota to the heat waves of North Carolina. This newest issue features the Top Ten Haunted American Castles, then the Mystery of Manresa Castle, then Is there A Monster in Lake Champlain? Of course you can’t miss pages 104-106, Report from Readers, my Challenge to Sightings at Pine Bush, New York. Yup, I beg to differ with many of the so-called alien fly-overs there. Spent time watching these “alien fly-overs,” saw the many photographs of aliens and their craft. Sorry folks, but all of this evidence exactly matches the behavior of piezoelectric effects - especially the plasma light balls, zig-zag snaking lights, dark green triangle flyovers, and the appearance of “aliens” in splashes of light. I’ve been researching this phenomena since my Idaho-days, including actual landings, burned ground, geiger counters going nuts. Read my post, then all the magazine, as it has improved greatly. You’ll love it. Inquire about subscriptions or e-mail:

Tell them PMH sent you.

Update on Black Seed Oil:  

For thousands of years, Black Cumin Seed has been used for a variety of medical conditions.  It is mentioned in the Old Testament  and was highly promoted in early Islamic culture - as a cure-all herb.

Many of you will remember that when I flew to London this past March I was dealing with the aftermath of dislocated ribs.  My sponsor, Daniel Solomon, turned out to be a healer.  He was from Ethiopia (one of the main exporters of Black  Seed Oil).  He used it on my back - instant relief from pain.  Every night I was there, he reapplied it.  Without that treatment I would have never been able to complete my contract for public appearances!  Some people take the Oil orally and have incredible results.  I do not. My use is for aches and pains. Follow your inner guidance or your healer’s/doctor’s advice as to what is right for you.  I mention this again because Daniel has changed his packaging and it is now easier to order by mail.  Should you want to get Black Seed Oil from Daniel, write him at  Remember, Daniel lives in Brixton, England, so there will be a mailing charge.

Yes, you can get Black Seed Oil in this country, but not the Premium.  Check labels. It must say it  has 4.2% Thymoquinone in it or it is not Premium Oil. Yes, the lesser oils will help you, but not like the Premium.  Just wanted you to know. 



Goddesses for Every Day


It is wonderful and fun.  She explores the wisdom and power of the Divine Feminine around the world in the book.

And, along with news of her book, she sends us this special gift. A video of a special parade in The Netherlands to honor VanGogh:

    Watch the video and enjoy:  


August 15-19, Montreal, Quebec 
44th IIIHS annual international conference 
- I’m a speaker.

August 29-September 1, King of Prussia, near Philadelphia
IANDS - International conference on NDEs
Big IANDS conference with the first emphasis ever on Veterans NDEs

October 17-20, Virginia Beach, VA -
NDE R&R for Near-Death Experiencers
Visit their website at: 

 “There is no beginning without an end,
no day without night, no life without death. 
Our whole life consists of the difference,
the space between beginning and ending.”

……Angela Merkel,
Chancellor of Germany, 
speaking at Harvard University

The notice you have been waiting for:

THE FOREVER ANGELS:  NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCES IN CHILDHOOD AND THEIR LIFELONG IMPACT debuts in Montreal and Prussia/Philadelphia by mid-August.  The public can pre-order the book now through before its September 3rd release. You can also order my book directly from its publisher Inner Traditions until October 14 WITHOUT HAVING TO PAY POSTAGE. After that, there will be regular shipping charges.

Or find it at your favorite bookstore - if you ask them to carry it.   

Don’t forget, THE NEW CHILDREN AND NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCES is part of this study, even though the research in it was done in the ‘80s.  You may want to get both books to understand the impact of childhood aftereffects. It is far greater than previous research indicated.  --PMH


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"Q&A with PMH Atwater" blogs!
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