The Summer goals
The interest in the academy and quality of our athletes continue to amaze me and brings a smile to my face.
We planned to have 75 athletes at the Making the Cut camp and we have done that.
We planned doubled our numbers in the beach doubles training program and we have done that.
We planned to increase the success rate of beach athletes and Michele our coach did more than that.
We planned to have the free beach sessions double in popularity and we have done that.
W planned to host a quality beach tourney and we have done that.
We have reached our goals.
The Canadian Elite Academy beach doubles Provincial Results
Women's Age groups
Under 14 Womens beach
10 teams entered
Petras/ Friesen -Finished fourth
Petras/Pereira - Finished second
Under 15 Womens beach
10 teams entered
Lewis/Lewis - finished fourth
Jaryn/Azra - finished third
Waskowic/Stianson - finished second
Under 16 Womens beach
12 teams entered
Imamura/Lewis - finished first
Koller/Young - finished seventh
Men's Age groups
Under 15 boys
2 teams entered
Cannell/Webster -canceled the event.
Under 16 boys
5 teams entered
Pahl/Ginther - finished second
Tratch/Sumner - finished fourth
Under 18 boys
4 teams entered
Regier/Peters - finished fourth
Congrats to all who participated, you all made us very proud and helped fulfill one of our goals.