
Welcome to the Roller Skate Life Newsletter August 2019.

This newsletter is presented by the Es Quint Foundation, powered by Quadsk8 International and supported by Ginger Skates.

Thank you for supporting our goals and activities. In case you just joined in, welcome on board and may your journey through life be a soulful one!

Summertime is adventure time!

With longer days and nice temperatures, Summer time is always the best time to venture out on roller skates. And it's an excellent time, to store and save up enough skate flow for the upcoming period. Because you never know, how things will turn out.

Two highlights within our Dutch roller skating community are worth mentioning to inspire you to set out your own path:

After Deborah just got back from a USA roller skate roundtrip in July, she teamed up with 3 other warriors to take up the opportunity to travel to the UK, representing at the Roll On London 2019 Festival.
Deborah, Etienne, Stefan & Andy had a blast, as you can tell by this picture!

You can check out their adventures on Andy's Instagram
videosnippets @ 

21 years ago, Steven touched ground at Venice Beach for the first time as a shy and unexperienced young kid, absolutely being in awe of all that roller skating magic, unfolding right before his eyes.

This Summer (August 2019), he returned with his wife and kids to the USA and visited that historical place again, but now as a full grown rhythm roller skater. With energetic confidence he could do his moves, riding & stridin' and enjoying every second of it, literally coming full circle in this part of his Soulful Journey.


Summerbreak in Full effect!


TrashUre Hunt Summer Challenge 2019.

Kids Roll Power is participating in this challenge on September 21st in Scheveningen The Hague, initiated by the TrashUre Hunt Organisation.

In a nutshell: hunting for trash on the beach, to preserve and restore the invironment and our freedom!

More info on details about Kids Roll Power participation, in the September newsletter.

TrashUre Hunt info:

October 2019 Weekend Seminar

Soulful Fitness Roller Skate Training Weekend Seminar at the Es Quint Foundation Training Center, House of RollaGanza.

Chances are that this will be our last October gig, in our current setting.
A major change is gonna come, taking things to a different level in another setting, as we are on the verge of entering new doors of perception.

So this is your chance to be part of the waves we create, during Es Quint's very own last October Skate Fest.

Full program is still worked on!

EARLY BIRD prices will be available till Monday 26th of August.

Registration link JRBB/Oct/2019 :

Friday Training 13.00 - 22.30
Saturday Training 12.00 - 16.30
Saturday JAM Party 19.00 - 23.30
Sunday Training 12.00 - 18.00

> Roller Skate Party Transportation <
* This is a return trip ticket from the Es Quint Training Center
to the Party Location (Rocking Rollerz Utrecht).

> FULL Tilt Boogie PACK <
Full 3-day Seminar + Entrance Saturday Night Roller Skate Party + Transportation.

Brought to you by Ginger Skates & Quadsk8, hosted by the Es Quint Foundation.

Jamrollboogiebounce Weekend Seminar Promo Video

Soulistic Shift

Repeating a pattern or riff in various paces, for an extended period of time, is essential to recrute as much motor neurons as possible, in order to develop a fluent flow.
Involving more bodyparts means more muscle engagement, which makes one a) more aware of any balance disturbance and b) -perhaps even more important - ready to adequately respond to it.

Balance disturbance can happen at any given moment. That's just the absolute inevitable nature - and challenge - of being on wheels. Extended repetition of short patterns and/or isolated techniques, is the way to strenghten the body and optimize the brain.

Once the muscles fatique, that's where the actual adaptation starts to root. Economizing the motion, by using less energy, but still keeping strict form, will give the practitioner a sense of lightness, until one fully runs out of energy.
Anchoring that feeling of lightness, while the body and brain adapt, eventually leads to a crossing point, where one enters the next skill level.

Check out the shift (correcting wiggle), up close right here:

Endorsed and recommended by Es Quint:
Roller Skate Venue Utrecht


Hertogswetering 191
3543 AS Utrecht
T. 088 398 50 70
Ingang bij de BCC omhoog

NorthSea Roll Call

Soulful Fitness Roller Skate Training on the other side of the North Sea!
From Es Quint perspective, that is.

That’s right folks. We are seriously looking into ways to set our wheels, on soil across the pond.

Inspired by those who have continuously supported us throughout the years, by joining our international seminars in the Hague, The Netherlands.
Also inspired by numerous enthusiastic roller skaters, who have reached out to us through e-mail & social media, but have not been able to join our venues, for a variety of reasons.

There is really only one way to express our gratitude for all the love that we have received, which has absolutely contributed to the energy to continue our Soulful Journey.

There is no fixed date yet. There is no fixed location yet. We don’t have a deadline.

The general idea, is to let this group marinate for an extended period of time, to see if we can grow enough spirit and enthusiasm, to make things happen. It could take 6 months, a year or perhaps a little longer than that.

* When things eventually don’t seem to turn out in a workable manner, we will –over time -dissolve and erase this group.

* We are aiming for a one-day, but preferably two-day Roller Skate Training Seminar, in authentic Es Quint style.

* If you have any information on suitable locations, or when you are part of a community and interested in working with us, we would certainly like to hear from you!

Sooo, get on board and invite anyone you think would be interested in our Soulful Fitness Roller Skate Training sessions.

Special thanks to Craig Rolljiggy, who is laying the groundwork for the Es Quint Foundation.

Facebookgroup North Sea Roll Call

Free Flow Motion.

~ Free Flow Motion, begins where you stop counting and start feeling. ~

Moving and groovin' on wheels. 
At discomfort, such as balance disturbance, the brain instinctively switches to preprogrammed survival mode. The survival toolkit can be optimized through rigorous training though.

In practice, structured patterns are followed, divided in parts by counts and direction changes. Isolated techniques are repeated endlessly as the body and brain adjust.

A good training or exercise program is to challenge you, with good exercise selection, trackable progression and to keep you motivated and excited to do more, so to build consistency.
In this way, patterns of conscious and unconscious behaviour and reflexes are touched extensively, and development of intrinsic attributes is an absolute guarantee.

With all that said, it is absolutely essential to frequently pull yourself out of training mode, to enjoy the freedom, the music, the surroundings, the energy all around you and blend in. And in addition, it's a great way to really put your skills to the test.

Free flow is where all (logical) thinking stops.
It is exactly where you stop counting and start feeling and act and react accordingly.

In today's world, looks and appearance are extremely prevalent, often times masqueraded without bearing any substance, focused on short term changes of behaviour, to achieve short term goals, without proper and lasting skill building.

Watching any creature - human or animal - in an absolute free flow, is always unique and irreplicable.

Es Quint Foundation
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