
A Word from the Director

Elaine Roman, TIPTOP Project Director
Creating ‘no missed opportunities’ for pregnant women requires accessibility to information, preventive services and curative care.  And, it is only when we reach every pregnant woman with the support and services they need that we achieve our aim.  TIPTOP is going the extra mile to reach every eligible pregnant woman to protect her from malaria as well as ensure a healthy pregnancy that results in better maternal and newborn health. 
Community health workers across TIPTOP countries are identifying pregnant women going household to household to give eligible pregnant women IPTp and refer them to ANC.  This sounds simple, but when you consider the long distances and inaccessible roads due to heavy rains or flooding it can and does become complicated quickly.  CHWs know they are the first connection for the pregnant woman to receive counseling on a malaria free pregnancy and are doing what they can to give the woman what she needs to protect herself and her unborn baby.  These efforts are reinforced when facility-level health workers reach the CHW to provide support and mentorship, often facing the same long and difficult road conditions. 

With support from TIPTOP, they find a way because they know that until we reach all pregnant women, our job is not done. 

Voices from the field

"The distance from my community to the Metuchira Health Center is 8km. I am happy to take SP within my community because it is close to my home and there is no waiting line. When I take SP in the community I have time to do other home activities like taking care of my son and preparing food. When I go to the health center on a referral by my CHW, it doesn't take long to be attended to and it also makes me very happy.
Cristina Domar (pictured above), Letuso A Community, Nhamatanda, Mozambique
Photo credit: André Lâmina Cristina, Jhpiego
New TIPTOP video tells the story of Dorcas, a pregnant woman in DRC
Meet Dorcas and hear her story

Meet our TIPTOP team members

Christina Maly

Senior Measurement & Learning Advisor, Jhpiego 
The thing that excites me most about TIPTOP is: how the TIPTOP team across different roles - program, finance, technical, M&E – use data for their respective functions to improve project performance.

Joseph Ekandji

Malaria Technical Advisor, Jhpiego DRC
My role on TIPTOP is: ensuring the technical integrity of TIPTOP project interventions in the DRC. Above all, I play a key role in promoting the new recommendations on antenatal care as well as for the ownership and scale-up of the approach at all levels.

Chinyere "Happiness" Nwani

Community Officer, Ohaukwu, Jhpiego Nigeria
I realized I wanted to work in global health when: I worked with an international organization and experienced a sense of satisfaction in working with people from different backgrounds and learning from their experiences. Also I enjoyed the feeling of offering services that will make a positive health impact in people’s lives.
Visions from the field
Going the extra mile to reach the hardest to reach
TIPTOP staff crossing the river by foot and then by kayak to reach the Ambinanifitoerana health facility in Mananjary.  
Photo credit: Solofo Razakamiadana
Rain & road conditions make trips to the field a lot longer!
TIPTOP vehicles stuck in the mud en route to field sites in Kwilu Province, DRC (left) and Morafeno, Madagascar (right).
Photo credit: Victor Mpiana, Jhpiego DRC & Solofo Razakamiadana, Jhpiego Madagascar 
Jhpiego DRC Country Director, Virgile Kikaya, and TIPTOP Program Manager, Deogratias Cibinda, crossing the Congo river in Maniema Province to reach Phase 2 project site Kunda.
Photo credit: Fabrice Witanday
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