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Kouyanet Resources

Aug 09, 2019 06:21 am | Eddie

I’ve been blogging on a regular basis for well over a decade now and we are getting close to the three thousandth post on this site. Looking back over the posts, some are fairly embarrassing and naive, others are mildly amusing and some are genuinely useful. The problem is finding the good stuff. I can sometimes write a post and then discover that I wrote something similar in 2008, only the original was better, funnier and shorter (I think I wrote a better version of that sentence some years ago).

Anyway, in this post, I want to draw your attention to some things which I have written over the years and which may still be useful. Some of these articles and booklets started life as a series of posts on this blog, others are one-off pieces that were written for specific situations.

Praying for missionaries: I think this might be the best thing I’ve ever done on the blog. It’s a simple series of ideas, based on the Lord’s prayer to help you pray for mission partners. The advantage of this is it is written from an insider’s perspective and highlights some of the issues that I face and about which I need prayer; things which might not seem so obvious to the non-missionary.

The Great Commission: This series takes a look at the Great Commissions in Matthew 28 and Acts 1. It compares and contrasts what the two accounts say and draws out their relevance to the contemporary world.

Things Home Mission Can Learn from Overseas Mission: This one does what it says on the tin and provides advice and idea for church planters and evangelists in the UK.

The First Five Weeks: This is over 30 years old, now. It is the diary that I kept during our first spell in a Kouya village. Mobile phones and the internet have changed things dramatically since then, but culture shock is still culture shock and embarrassing situations are still embarrassing.

The St Mary Mede Model of Cultural Adaption: This is a rather quirky take on cross-cultural adaption.


The post Kouyanet Resources appeared first on Kouyanet.

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