KYTN Youth Newsletter

Back to School

Summer is over...teachers, parents, and students everywhere are on the verge of starting school; if they haven’t done so already. Are you anxious? Excited? Scared? Just this month, on August 4, 22 people died in El Paso, TX, when a 21-year-old opened fire in a busy Walmart where many were shopping for school supplies. We mourned with El Paso County as this school year is off to a painful start for them.  

What about your school community? What are they anxious about? New friends? New teachers? New challenges?  Have you thought of the ministry opportunity with your students and the student visitor who just moved to town to start school? What is she looking for? What is he anxious about?

Transitions are hard; but even more so, the transition from High School to College. The change of community, in addition to the new intellectual, moral, and spiritual challenges, causes many students to drift away from God. The good news is that your church can help! (See "Ideas to involve your students").

In spite of the increasingly sinful world in which we live the Lord commands us;  "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God" (Phil 4:6). One day soon all the pain, suffering and evil will forever be eradicated from this world. It is our prayer, as with John the Revelator; "Come Lord Jesus!" (Rec 22:20)

Pastor Nelson Silva


What's Happening?

AUGUST 12-17

If you haven't heard... today the 2019 Oshkosh camporee is starting in Wisconsin!  The KYTN Pathfinders, along with 55,000 of their friends, will be attending this life-changing event.  Pathfinders will participate in hundreds of activities and events.  For more information, check out  Watch live on Hope Channel.

Back to School Prayer
September 27-28
Children's Ministries Training

South Central and KYTN Conferences join efforts again, this time in the city of Louisville, KY. Trina Ware, Carolyn Lamb, and Nelson Silva will be teaching track # 1 of children ministries. In this free event prepared for Sabbath school teachers, children’s ministries leaders, and anyone interested in learning more about children; you will sharpen your skills and network with other colleagues in ministry. We ask you to register in order to prepare the materials and space for the seminars.

Friday night @ 7:00 pm

Horen Haitian SDA Church 4623 Southern Pkwy, Louisville, KY

Sabbath Morning and Afternoon 9:00 - 5:00 pm

Pewee Valley SDA Church 103 La Grange Rd, Pewee Valley, KY 40056-9172

Schedule and locations


Download Flyer

Public Colleges and Universities

Take a look at our Colleges and Universities map in our territory. Maybe the Lord is calling you to start a ministry to students attending public campuses. Maybe, you know of somebody who God is calling to start one; or maybe the Lord is asking you to pray to send someone with a heart for this ministry.

Read suggestions from King, Kirk and Ron Pickell. The Word On Campus: A Guide to Public College Ministry


VBS Report

We had a blessed summer. Every year many churches in KYTN spend time, resources and much enthusiasm hosting Vacation Bible schools. Some churches ventured for the first time in years to do a VBS, others continued with this evangelistic tradition, while other congregations are getting closer to hosting their first VBS. Churches everywhere in North america are joining in this Ministry for children.
Would you share your story of faith with us and North America? Go to to fill out your report. May the Lord bless you!


Summer Camp!

What an amazing summer it was!  Again, ICC broke attendance records as well as experienced an incredible spirit lead adventure together.  This summer there were more than 125 decisions for baptism in our three weeks of youth camp alone!  PRAISE THE LORD!  We are also extremely excited to share that we have also reached our fundraising goal to begin the construction of our brand new 275 x 100 arena. God has been blessing us tremendously! 

Cuba Mission Trip Report

Eleven young adults and three pastors from the Kentucky-Tennessee and South Central Conferences decided to take seriously Jesus' great commission to go “into all the world and preach the good news” (Mk 16:15). On this occasion, the beautiful island of Cuba was the focus of evangelism--more specifically--the Cuban Central Conference located in Camagüey was the host and the region of Ciego de Avila was the mission site. For six nights and two Sabbath mornings, every young adult preached the word of God under the title: “Knowing God is All,” based on John 17:3. Thanks to generous donors, 15 Bible workers were hired for six months and transportation for visitors was arranged. The national pastors, lay pastors, and church members poured their hearts into evangelism. The partnership between the Cuban nationals and the visiting evangelists who proclaimed messages of hope touched many lives, resulting in doubling the historical baptisms in the area. As the group quickly puts it, the missionaries were by far the ones who benefited the most. The group went in as strangers and returned as a family--a different kind of a family--a Missional one. 



From July 25 to 28 150 young adults--including 20 volunteers--met at Indian Creek Camp with the goal of celebrating the 20th Hispanic Youth camp of the Kentucky-Tennessee Conference of SDA. Two precious souls confirmed their covenant with God through baptism and many others reaffirmed their commitment to love God with all their heart, mind, soul, and strength, which was the theme of the weekend (Gen-D = Generation Disciples). Pastors from the KYTN conference presented the word of God throughout the weekend expanding on the Shema (Dt 6:5) and Jesus’ reference to it found in Mt 22:37. The six Hispanic districts, led by their pastors, made plans to return to their congregations and put into practice the teachings on Discipleship...not only personally but also communally through service and evangelism.

Important Dates:

September 22
All ACF KYTN directors  and invitees will meet to discuss 2019-2020 school year plans
October 11 - 13
HiC+ a retreat for college students and high school seniors in ICC. Registration is open - Promotional video
October 18 - 20
 Global PCM Weekend
October 31 - November 2
November 8 - November 10

Adventurer Camporee
January 24 - 25
PCM Council retreat at ICC
September 3 - 5, 2020
#OneTeam Youth Ministry Training. Albuquerque, New Mexico (Save The Date)


Group Building Activities that Foster Closeness and Community
Praying God's Word: a Back to School Blessing
Children's Sabbath Resource
Children's Sabbath 2019 Curriculum is available online! The NAD celebrates Children's Sabbath the first Sabbath of every October, after all VBSs are cleaned up, put away, but not forgotten! Children's Sabbath is a great day to invite kids from church and community to get involved again.

Current Issues...

For present and future College students:

Chmieleski, Guy. Campus gODS: Exposing The Idols That Can Derail Your Present And Destroy Your Future. Wilmore, KY; SeedBed Publishers, 2013.
Youth Sabbath School Ideas
Attention Home Schoolers!
Madison Campus Home school flyer
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