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Weekly Lunar Magic!

Blessed we are for the reappearance of the Crescent Moon after last week's New Moon!
The smile in tonight's sky is a Waxing Crescent Moon. It represents gratitude and the patience it will take to become a Full Moon.
Let's use this energy for personal growth and opening doors.

Spells We'll Be Casting Tonight ✨

Spiritual Bath

Spiritual Cleansing Bath

A step-by-step video will guide you through this spiritual cleanse. Ideal for unblocking or clearing energies before entering any Magical state.

▶️ Start Cleansing »
Door Opener Spell

The Door Opener Spell

A green candle spell with bay leaves, rice, and salt. This career spell can be modified to fit any personal goal. Open the doors to new opportunities and success with Green Magic!

Cast this Spell! »

Video Meditations

Artemis devotional

Artemis Wiccan Devo

Eternally young, Artemis is the beautiful goddess of the hunt and wilderness. Learn more with a guided Wiccan prayer!
Red Candle Meditation

Red Candle Meditation

Discover the many uses of a Red Candle: Protection, Purification, Love, and Strength.

More Videos! ▶️

Wiccan symbols

Wiccan Symbols and their Meanings

You've probably seen them before. But do you know what they mean? Watch this new part of the Wicca Self-Initiation video-series!
Tool consecration ritual

Bless your Tools!

The Waxing Moon is a great time to bless and consecrate any tool or amulet. Harness its potential for enhancing manifestation powers and positive change.

What's Brewing in the Coven 🔮

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Keep looking up! Bright Blessings! 👋✨
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