Carpentry Clippings, 7 August, 2019
Highlights from The Carpentries Community Calendar
On 12 August 2019 at 16:00 UTC (check your time), Stuart Geiger, principal investigator at the Berkeley Institute for Data Science at UC-Berkeley and Dorothy Howard, a Ph.D. student in the department of communications at UC San Diego will facilitate our themed discussion on Community Care and Burnout. Sign up on this Etherpad to attend this event online.
The next Instructor Development Committee meeting will take place on 19 August 2019. In the past the committee members have expressed their interest in involving more community members in their discussion, therefore reach out them if you would like to attend this meeting. See the community calendar for the other upcoming events.
On 28 August 2019 at 16:00 UTC (check your time),’s Daniela Saderi will run our themed discussion on preprint reviews. Sign up to attend the call on this Etherpad for an opportunity to learn about PREreview’s efforts in diversifying peer review by crowdsourcing preprint feedback to improve the quality of published scientific output, and to discuss your experiences and views on how to build a diverse community of preprint reviewers.
Community News
Articulating The Carpentries' Community Values
We cannot do this without you! Help us articulate The Carpentries' values by answering these two questions: 1) What words would you use to describe people who you consider as representatives of our community? 2) In 2-3 sentences, how would you describe our community culture? You can answer these questions in any of the three ways: respond to this discuss thread on TopicBox, leave comments directly under this issue in The Carpentries Conversations repository, or fill out this Google form anonymously.
Responding to incidents outside the mandate of the Code of Conduct committee
The Carpentries Code of Conduct has undergone several rounds of improvement to ensure inclusion and safety of all its members in different community spaces. With its growing community, The Carpentries leadership team is discussing circumstances where we need to respond to cases of inappropriate conduct that happen outside of our formal guidelines and processes. To address this concern, the Executive Council is convening a Task Force that will provide recommendations for responding to incidents outside the mandate of the Code of Conduct committee.
TaskForce for The Carpentries 2020 Sponsorship Programme
The Carpentries is a volunteer-driven non-profit program. One way to increase our capacity in the community is by bringing more financial support via a Sponsorship Programme. The Executive Council is looking for four members with previous experience regarding sponsorship to help develop The Carpentries 2020 Sponsorship Programme. To volunteer, fill the Google Form before 9 August 2019. Read this blog post for more detail.
The Carpentries in the United Kingdom
Carpentries community members in the UK — learners, trainers, instructors, helpers, workshop coordinators and facilitators — are invited to join our new mailing list or the #local-uk channel under The Carpentries Slack workspace to discuss training matters around the UK.
Committee and Task Force News
CarpentryCon 2020 TaskForce
After a rigorous assessment of all the possible venues and themes, the CarpentryCon TaskForce recently announced the details for our next community conference. The CarpentryCon 2020 will be hosted by the University of Wisconsin - Madison in the United States from 29 June to 1 July 2020, under the theme “Growing inclusive, computational communities and leaders”. Periodic updates will be posted on the CarpentryCon2020 website. Read more details in this blog post.
Code of Conduct Committe
The Code of Conduct Committee (CoCc) held a business meeting on 31 July 2019 to discuss the committee's guidelines, the membership agreement that was recently added to our community Handbook, and governance for which a draft will be published soon. We are always looking for community members to serve on the CoCc so that we can involve diverse perspectives in our work. To learn more, get in touch by emailing
Executive Council
The Executive Council has improved documentation in their public GitHub repository to facilitate transparency and information sharing with the broader community. This repository includes monthly meeting minutes, Code of Conduct reports, and information on the Council's roles, responsibilities, and practices. Please feel free to communicate with the Executive Council by opening an issue on GitHub or submitting this form.
Instructor Development Committee
The first "Organising Workshops" Mentoring sessions took place on 2 August and 6 August. If you are interested in organizing workshops but don't know where to start - this mentoring group is for you! Find notes from the discussion on this etherpad.
Library Carpentry
The members of the Library Carpentry are still working on the Top 10 FAIR Data & Software Things. They recently shared their latest drafts for astronomy, music, imaging, linked open data, EOSC, nanotechnology, and FAIRsharing on this Twitter thread. After a short summer break, these drafts will be moved over to GitHub and then to Zenodo for final publication in late August/September. Sarah Sutton, an associate Professor at Emporia University, interviewed Chris Erdmann for their Library and Information Management series where they talked about Library Carpentry (video).
What you may have missed on the blog and mailing lists

Image by Connie Clare (TU Delft) from her post: Carve your niche with The Carpentries
Check out the highlights from the CarpentryConnect Manchester 2019 in this blog post. Read this story from TU Delft about their Library and Data Champions from the Department of Biotechnology, who have organised several workshops since last year and created their local The Carpentries community. Participate in the public discussions on the Topicbox discuss channel that includes the following posts: Carpentries in Nepal, Carpentries-style lesson that covers git-branching, and sharing Carpentries-style lesson with the community.
Tweet of the Week

Community Job postings
Training/Education Specialist, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, USA
Bio-IT computational Training and Support, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg, Germany
Practicum Position: Support for 2019 Library Carpentry Workshop (remote/in-person), Missouri Hub, USA
Toolshed (Posts from our Past)
In July 2018, the Curriculum Development Team of The Carpentries staff outlined their vision and plans to support the growth in curricula while sustaining existing lessons and our organization. The Executive Council had also invited public feedback in their new draft on the mission and vision for The Carpentries.