
Click HERE for a printable Meet & Greet flyer

Parking available:
Pre-Prep, Main building, and overflow area on the south end of the school.
School Clinic
If you need to drop off medication or clinic forms please stop by and see Nurse Kopp in the clinic located in the main lobby during our Meet and Greet.

Please click HERE to visit the Clinic section of our website for required packets for the clinic.
  1. Allergy/Epinephrine Packet Packet (food and/or insect allergies)
  2. Asthma Inhaler Packet (for inhaler use at school)
  3. Diabetes Packet
  4. General Medication Packet (for prescription and over the counter medications)

Middle School Schedules
  • Middle school schedules may be picked up at the Meet & Greet from your homeroom teacher.  If you do not attend the Meet & Greet schedules will be given out on the first day of school.

Meet and Greet Locations
  • Homeroom Classroom for Supplies and Meet Teacher
  • Main Building Lobby:
    • Pick Up Your Dismissal Car Tag
      • If you are not attending the Meet and Greet there will be a table set up outside in the front courtyard during morning drop of on the first day of school.
    • Visit School Nurse in the Clinic
  • Main Building Cafeteria (Narkiewicz Hall):
    • Taste of Tampa Bay Catering for Hot Lunch Ordering & Samples
    • LP Before & After Care
    • After School Enrichment Vendors
  • Media Center (upstairs in main building):
    • LP logo'd items:
      • Mason Jars $5
      • Friday Spirit Shirts $5
      • Magnets $2
      • Water Bottles $2
      • Drawstring Bags $2
      • Rain Poncho $2
      • Key Chains $1
      • Bling Shirts Youth $20
      • Bling Shirts Adult $25
  • Please note the gymnasium is closed for floor replacement.

2019-20 K-8 Instructional Materials Fee
Avoid the Line - Pay Online!
Due by Monday, August 19, 2019
Lutz Preparatory School uses a variety of resources as quality instructional materials to help drive student achievement. The Lutz Prep curriculum requires students to use hard textbooks as well as consumable materials.

Please review the instructional materials required for each grade level and the ordering process below. Thank you for partnering with us to cover some of these costs!

If you need financial assistance with this request please contact

Step 1:  Order & Payment Accepted Via:

    • School Store tab of our website using a credit card or PayPal account.  Click HERE to pay online now.
  • Cash, Check, or Money Orders Only:
    • Meet & Greet – visit the instructional materials table
    • Front Office – Monday, August  12th through Monday, August 19th  

Step 2:  Receiving Materials 

  • Student/parent shall turn in a copy of their paid receipt (Online Receipt or LP issued) to the homeroom teacher by the end of the school day Monday, August 19th.
  • Students will be issued their items upon receipt of payment. 

For ordering or online payment questions, please contact the Business Manager:  
Lutz Preparatory policy in compliance with Hillsborough County School Board Policy 6152

A Message from Red's Team Sports Owner

Red's is shipping all remaining orders placed through Monday, July 29th TOMORROW via USPS One Day Priority shipping Our store will continue to process orders daily as we work towards back to school next wek.
Additionally, Red's Team Sports will be open on Saturday, August 10th from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM to allow families to pick up any orders that are ready before school on Monday.  Red's Team Sport employees will call each customer when their order is ready for pick up.  There is no need to call the shop to check on order status.
Customer orders placed via the online store will receive an email from the system with their tracking number when the order is placed out for delivery.
Red's Team Sports will have limited items in stock for purchase as well until we have time to fully re-stock everything.
Thank you for your patience,

Ted Koontz
Owner Red's Team Sports
4542 Eagle Falls Place
Tampa, FL 33619
(813) 612-5999
(813) 612-5996 Fax

A Note from Administration
We appreciate our parents' patience and flexibility as we start the 2019-20 school year with our new uniform policy and vendor.  They are working overtime with all hands on deck to process as many orders as possible for our school by Saturday morning. 

Mr. Koontz is in close contact with our administration team and will be giving us a list of names of those families who will not be able to have their orders processed by Saturday, August 10th for pick up time from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM. 

If parents DO NOT have their order fulfilled by the first day of school then students may wear the following:

  1. Standard uniform bottoms
  2. In place of the required LP polo that has not been received, students may wear the following:
    1. ANY solid colored shirt with sleeves (short or long; no tank tops) to include:   
      1. t-shirt
      2. polo shirt
      3. regular shirt
      4. LP spirit shirt (to include LP clubs, LP athletic teams, LP academic teams, Leader in Me, Pay It Forward, etc.).  
We DO NOT want parents to purchase any additional shirts while you are waiting for your Red's order to be fulfilled.   

We will continue to get status updates from Red's on a day to day basis on their progress for fulfilling our school orders.  Thank you again for your patience.

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Lutz Preparatory School K-8 · 17951 N US Highway 41 · Lutz, FL 33549-4503 · USA

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