
Lutz Preparatory School K-8 NEWSFLASH, V8 Issue 7, August 9, 2019

Dear Lutz Preparatory Parents/Guardians,

On behalf of the entire staff at Lutz Preparatory School, we are happy to welcome you to the 2019-20 school year!  We are looking forward to a productive partnership with you to ensure our students can achieve their highest potential.  We recognize that in order to be successful in school, our children need support from both the home and school.  We know a strong partnership with you will make a great difference in your child’s education.  As partners, we share the responsibility for our students' success and want you to know that we will do our very best to carry out our responsibilities.  Your partnership with our instructional teaching enabled us to attain outstanding results on the end of the year 2018-19 Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) testing.  Congratulation to our students, parents, and teachers for the exceptional learning outcomes measured by the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE)! 

As we look forward to welcoming students into our building beginning Monday, August 12, 2019, we wanted to remind everyone of our drop off and pick up safety restrictions.  Focusing on student safety, students and staff are the only ones allowed in the buildings between 7:30-8:30 AM and then again at the end of the day 2:30-3:30 PM.  We restrict access to parents during those two time frames to maximize student safety, even for the first day of school.  Your children’s safety is extremely important to us.  Doors will open promptly at 7:30 AM for student entry, please make sure you review the Arrival and Dismissal Procedures below for maps and full details.  

Thank you for your support and partnership to keep all of our student safe and sound.  Have a terrific weekend.  Go Bolts!


Bonnie Guertin, Director of Schools
Kim Smallwood, Assistant Principal Elementary School
Brian Bethune, Assistant Principal Middle School

Upcoming Week at a Glance
  • Monday, August 12:
    • First Day of School
      • 8:00 AM-3:00 PM
      • Doors to both buildings will open promptly at 7:30 AM for student arrival.
    • PTA Boo Hoo Breakfast 7:45-8:45 AM
      • Event will be held in the Pre-Prep cafeteria, please enter through the Pre-Prep front doors, staff will be available to guide you to the event.  Your driver's license is REQUIRED to check-in and receive a visitor's badge.
    • HOMEWORK FOR ALL K-8 Students
      • Emergency cards will be sent home with each student:
        • Parents must review all information on the emergency card for accuracy and sign the card.  Make any corrections/updates in blue ink.  It is EXTREMELY important that the information on this card is always accurate.  If your information changes during the school year please contact us at
  • Tuesday, August 13:
    • HOMEWORK DUE FOR ALL K-8 Students:  Emergency Cards reviewed for accuracy with parent signature are due back to homeroom teacher.

Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Arrival and dismissal the first week of school requires additional time as we familiarize students and parents with our routine, procedures, and car loops.  Please be patient with our staff and other drivers while driving on our campus.  We all agree that a safe opening of school is everyone’s top priority!


Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Please review SECTION 300 – ARRIVAL, DISMISSAL, and TRANSPORTATION POLICIES of the Parent/Student Handbook (page 10-13) for full procedures on our arrival and dismissal routine.  Click HERE to visit the Campus Life\Handbook section of our website.  EVERY CAR PICKING UP AT DISMISSAL MUST HAVE THE OFFICIAL LP DISMISSAL TAG TO PROCEED THROUGH THE LINE AND PICK UP STUDENTS.

Arrival and Dismissal Maps
The maps outlining the routes for driving on our campus during arrival and dismissal are located on our website.  There will be staff located at key spots on our campus directing drivers of the routes to follow.  Click HERE to visit the Campus Life\Transportation section of our website.

QUESTIONS?:  If you still have questions after reviewing the maps and handbook, please contact the school at

Car Tag Distribution
If you were not able to attend the Meet and Greet to pick up your tag, a Car Tag Distribution Station will be set up on Monday, August 12th beginning at 7:30 AM in the courtyard by the flagpole outside the main building.  Click HERE to review the handout distributed with the tag.  

Attendance & Being On Time Matters!
Lutz Preparatory School K-8 school hours are 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
(8:00 AM - 12:00 PM on early release days)

Students must be in their seat, backpack unpacked, and ready to start the day at 8:00 AM when the bell rings and morning announcements begin. 

Doors to both buildings will open promptly at 7:30 AM for student arrival.

Please review the academic calendar on our school website (linked below) and  make every effort to schedule appointments and vacations outside of these dates.    
Good attendance leads to academic success!  

Reporting Student Absences
Please review our Parent/Student Handbook Section 400.02 Report an Absence and Required Documentation (page 14).  Click HERE to visit the Campus Life\Handbook section of our website.

Every effort should be made to contact the school by 9:00 AM.  The preferred method notification is via email to:

2019-20 Academic Calendar

Required Uniform Polos From Red
We appreciate our parents' patience and flexibility as we start the 2019-20 school year with our new uniform policy and vendor.  They are working overtime with all hands on deck to process as many orders as possible for our school by Saturday morning. 
Mr. Koontz is in close contact with our administration team and will be giving us a list of names of those families who will not be able to have their orders processed by Saturday, August 10th for pick up time from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM. 
If parents DO NOT have their order fulfilled by the first day of school then students may wear the following:

  1. Standard uniform bottoms
  2. In place of the required LP polo that has not been received, students may wear the following:
    1. ANY solid colored shirt with sleeves (short or long; no tank tops) to include:   
      1. t-shirt
      2. polo shirt
      3. regular shirt
      4. LP spirit shirt (to include LP clubs, LP athletic teams, LP academic teams, Leader in Me, Pay It Forward, etc.).  

We DO NOT want parents to purchase any additional shirts while you are waiting for your Red's order to be fulfilled.   

Thank you again for your patience.  If you have any questions on the policy please contact

Red's Team Sports Uniform Ordering Update

Update from Mr. Koontz, Red's Team Sports Owner, as of yesterday afternoon all orders placed prior to 8/1/2019 were shipped out by Reds via USPS priority one day shipping.

Please contact Red's with any questions on shipping/styles/sizes/store hours at (813) 308-0191.

Red's Team Sports
4542 Eagle Falls Pl. 
Tampa, FL 33619

Click HERE to visit the LP Red's Online Store

Tastes of Tampa Bay Catering for School Lunch
August Menu Open for Orders Through August 11, 2019
Please visit the Campus Life\Lunch Information section of the school website for details on how to set up your families online ordering account.  

Before and After Care 2019-20
All students must have a Before & After Care Registration Form on file in the school office prior to attending.  Please click HERE to visit our website for full details.  The completed form may be turned in to the front office or emailed electronically to

PTA Boo Hoo Breakfast
Event will be held in the Pre-Prep cafeteria, please enter through the Pre-Prep front doors, staff will be available to guide you to the event.  Your driver's license is REQUIRED to check-in and receive a visitor's badge.

2019-20 K-8 Instructional Materials Fee
Due by Monday, August 19, 2019
Lutz Preparatory School uses a variety of resources as quality instructional materials to help drive student achievement. The Lutz Prep curriculum requires students to use hard textbooks as well as consumable materials.

Please review the instructional materials required for each grade level and the ordering process below. Thank you for partnering with us to cover some of these costs!

If you need financial assistance with this request please contact

Step 1:  Order & Payment Accepted Via:

  • Online Payment:  Avoid waiting in line!
    • School Store tab of our website using a credit card or PayPal account.  Click HERE to pay online now.
  • Cash, Check, or Money Orders Only:
    • Meet & Greet – visit the instructional materials table
    • Front Office – Monday, August  12th through Monday, August 19th  

Step 2:  Receiving Materials 

  • Student/parent shall turn in a copy of their paid receipt (Online Receipt or LP issued) to the homeroom teacher by the end of the school day Monday, August 19th.
  • Students will be issued their items upon receipt of payment. 

For ordering or online payment questions, please contact the Business Manager:  
Lutz Preparatory policy in compliance with Hillsborough County School Board Policy 6152

Carpool Matching System Provided by FLDOT

This program only works when there are LP families that register their carpool needs.  The more LP families that sign up, the more options everyone has to find a carpool match.  

The FREE online ride matching system allows users to create a profile with commute preferences and matches them with other families at our school whose daily commute is similar. The data is all encrypted, and no student information is ever given directly to another family. The system simply matches the families, who then coordinate their own carpools. The program is completely free to families thanks to a grant from the Florida Department of Transportation.

TBARTA has cleared out the database for the 2019/20 school year so that families can re-register and get clean matches for the new year. Click here (or copy the URL) for the registration link:

Please note, Lutz Preparatory is not responsible for the contents or reliability of any other websites to which we provide a link and do not necessarily endorse the views expressed within them.  

Copyright © 2019 Lutz Preparatory School K-8, All rights reserved.

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