

There are songs I crave listening to on repeat. They are my security blanket songs.  Today’s guest made one of those songs,  it’s called Good Pain and there was a good chunk of time where I listened to it on repeat. We talk about that song, songwriting in general, relationships, creativity, routines and he suggest a lot of art. Adrian Galivin who goes by the band name Yoke Lore is a pop folk musician with a new album out and currently touring. 

"Goodpain" is the necessary period of struggle you have to endure in order to get to the good part of anything. It's the little Sisyphus inside all of us."

--> this Sisyphus reference is fitting since another artist I interviewed at this music festival Andrew Bird's latest album has a song called Sisyphus about this myth. 

--> also, I brought up the myth for some reason in therapy this week. My therapist asked me this question...
what is Sisyphus was smiling while he pushed the boulder? 

Listen to This Week's Episode

- Yoke Lore's website | instagram | twitter | soundcloud

The Course of Love by Alain de Botton :: Man and woman’s relationship from the time they meet to the time the get divorced case study

Alain de Botton French writer

The Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Thomas S. Kuhn

Pretend We’re Dead by L7 (song)

Tickets for Yoke Lore's fall tour on sale

- new music video for “Safe and Sound

- Yoke Lore’s Meditations EP out now

See Full Show Notes

~ Done is better than perfect ~

<<< Being outside >>>

/// \\\
Watching cozy movies:: 
Almost Famous,
The Royal Tenenbaums,
Happy Thank You More Please

+++ Sweetbitter TV show +++

---my friend Rose is making a kids tv show --- 
it looks so wonderful. 

*~* Join us Wed. August 14 for our Launch Party in NYC! ~*~


\\\///\\\ Follow our new INSTAGRAM! @letitouttt \\\///\\\

/\/\ I am starting a NEW podcast!!
COHOSTED with a previous podcast guest! Can you guess who? Comment on my instagram who you think  /\/\

:;:; my latest column for The Fullest "Pivot: Healing and Feeling with Jessica Ciencin Henriquez :;:;

*.*.* We shared a secret episode last week on the Patreon! In addition to the secret episode, we also have monthly journaling prompts. I love this special little community. Head over there there to listen!*.*.*

///\\\ My journaling class with Bluprint is one of my fav things I've made. ///\\\ and another journaling tool... the good old book I made... 

 ()()() Let It Out ()()()

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Episode 222 with musician Trevor Hall. I started listening to Trevor Hall back in 2009 when my yoga studio played him in a heavy rotation. After speaking with him the podcast, I learned that his career in the music industry had a tumultuous start which including

getting dropped from his label, living in a monastery, and eventually making a hit album. We talked about meditation, surrender, learning vs. applying practices, Saturn returns, astrology for self-awareness, relationships as mirrors, culture, connection, indecisiveness, and more.
Listen to episode 222 with Trevor Hall

I don't like jewelry and only honestly wear my friend Libby's Goldeluxe Jewelry. Goldeluxe is a line of affordable handmade jewelry intended for every day wear and versatility, made in brass, gold and sterling silver with some pearls and semi precious gemstones. Each piece is made by hand in Detroit by Libby Trajkovski. I wear her stackable rings daily. 

It's the ONLY thing I wear. I wear it every day and love everything she makes. I'm so happy to work with such a cool woman-run small business like Goldeluxe. Hope you guys love her art as much as I do, please take advantage of her generous discount code! GET ON IT. 
20% off your order through September 30th with code LET IT OUT at checkout!
I'm balancing a lot right now, not very well.  "I'm crying because I love you.... "
I've leave you here in good hands with Lizzo at this "tiny ass desk"  I hope to see a bunch of you this week! or catch you on the Patreon page it helps! & poster art by Merideth Hanscom
© 2019 Let It Out

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Katie Dalebout · New York, New York · New York, NY 10003 · USA