ASH Drinks & Dinner
Dear ASH members, you are all invited to the upcoming ASH drinks & dinner on 27 September at 17.00, at Hanneke’s Boom, close to the Amsterdam Central Station.
We will welcome Danielle van den Heuvel as the new director of ASH, thank Maartje van Gelder for her directorship, and celebrate the winners of the ASH dissertation prize and valorisation prize. Please register here if you join us for dinner. You are also most welcome to join for drinks only, registration is then not neccessary.
Danielle van den Heuvel appointed as director of ASH
Danielle van den Heuvel, Associate Professor in Early Modern History, has been appointed as the new director of the Amsterdam School of Historical Studies. Since 1 Augustus 2022 she is the successor of Maartje van Gelder, who served as director of ASH for 2,5 years. Read more
Weixuan Li runner-up of 3MT® pitch competition
Weixuan Li, ASH PhD researcher ended in the second place of the 2022 UvA edition of the Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) pitch competition with a presentation of her research 'Deep mapping painters and the art market in 17th century Amsterdam'. The 3MT® challenges PhD researchers to pitch their PhD research to a non-specialist audience in a three-minute video. Read more
Feike Dietz, Professor of Global Dynamics of Dutch Literature
Feike Dietz has been appointed Professor of Global Dynamics of Dutch Literature at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Amsterdam. ASH welcomes Feike Dietz as a member of our research school. The new chair responds to topical issues in the fields of globalisation and diversity, which demand an examination of Dutch literature across national borders. Read more
Anne-Lot Hoek shortlisted for Libris Geschiedenis Prijs 2022
Anne-Lot Hoek, ASH PhD researcher, has been shortlisted for the Libris Geschiedenis Prijs 2022. The prize is awarded to the best Dutch book on history written for a non-academic audience. Read more
Friedrich Steinle welcomed as Zeeman Fellow at the Vossius Center
The Vossius Center has welcomed professor Friedrich Steinle as Zeeman Fellow for this academic year. The Zeeman Fellows are hosted by the Vossius Center and endowed by the Pieter Zeemanfonds.
Friedrich Steinle will give the Zeeman lecture 'Knowledge in science and beyond: historiographical challenges and the case of colour history' on 30 September 16:00 - 17:30 in the Artis Library Read more
ACUH announces its seminar programme for 2022-2023
After two years of online and hybrid meetings, ACUH continues its seminar series in the new academic year onsite. As always, the series features work in progress by ACUH members and talks by colleagues from around the world. All are welcome at Bushuis E1.02 every third Thursday of the month - please keep an eye out for announcements on this website and social media.
This year's speakers include Maroesjka Verhagen, Tim Verlaan, Viola Müller, Nadine Zberg, Elon Heijmans, Alex Collin, Nicholas Brunmayr, Kate Brown, Vany Sustanto, Antonia Weiss, Asma Mehan and Eléonore Beck. The first seminar takes place on September 15. Read more
New Publication: Wij en het Ik-tijdperk
Historicus Jouke Turpijn en journalist John Jansen van Galen schreven een cultuurgeschiedenis van Nederland vanaf 1980 tot heden, waarin Het Ik-tijdperk onder de loep genomen wordt; een begrip dat in de jaren tachtig door van Galen geïntroduceerd werd. Aan de hand van recente historische ontwikkelingen onderzoeken de auteurs of het Ik-tijdperk daadwerkelijk voorbij is, wie we zijn en waren tijdens het Ik-tijdperk, en wat er uiteindelijk van dat tijdperk overgebleven is. Lees meer
Podcast: Oorlog in het Paradijs
In Oorlog in het Paradijs nemen podcastmaker Arco Gnocchi en historica Anne-Lot Hoek je mee naar naar de strijd om Bali in 1946. Bij Bali denken de meeste mensen aan paradijselijke stranden, uitgestrekte rijstterassen en de mooiste tempels maar in 1946 vond hier een bloederige strijd plaats tussen het Nederlandse leger en Indonesische onafhankelijkheidsstrijders. Anne-Lot Hoek neemt je mee naar deze strijd aan de hand van vier hoofdpersonages. Lees meer en luister de afleveringen
Call for Panels: 7th European Congress on World and Global History
Second call for panels and papers for the 7th European Congress on World and Global History, which will be hosted by Leiden University on its campus in The Hague, UN City of Peace and Justice from 29 June—1 July 2023. The main theme is 'Conflict and Inequity, Peace and Justice: Local, Regional, and International Perspectives'. Deadline is 30 September 2022. Read more
Call for Papers: Nationalism, War and Defeat
Interdisciplinary Conference on Nationalism in Copenhagen, 25-26 May 2023. The keynote speakers are Andreas Wimmer (Columbia University), Ute Frevert (Max Planck Institute for Human Development), Siniša Malešević (University College Dublin), and Erica Benner (independent). The conference is interdisciplinary. Proposals from both the social sciences and the humanities are welcomed, including sociology, political science, economics, history, art history, and literature. Deadline for abstracts is 1 December 2022. Read more
Lucas van der Deijl
29 September 16:00 Agnietenkapel
Lucas van der Deijl, ASH PhD candidate, will defend the dissertation entitled 'A New Language for the Natural Light | Translating the New Philosophy in the Dutch Early Enlightenment 1640-1720' supervised by Prof. Lia van Gemert and by Prof. Antal van den Bosch. Read more
Early Modern Food Provision in Amsterdam & The Rise of Nonfamily Households in Post-War Western European Cities
15 September 15:30 - 17:00 Bushuis E1.02
During this work in progress session, Maroesjka Verhagen and Tim Verlaan will respectively present papers on food provision in early modern Amsterdam and the post-war history of solo living in northwestern European cities. Read more
Boekpresentatie Wij en het Ik-tijdperk
15 September 20:00 Spui25
Op de drempel van 1980 verscheen Het Ik-Tijdperk als kerstspecial van het roemruchte tijdschrift Haagse Post. De tekst sloeg in als een bom en Het Ik-tijdperk groeide uit tot een gevleugeld begrip voor een samenleving die de weg kwijt was. John Jansen van Galen en Jouke Turpijn kijken in hun boek Wij en het Ik-tijdperk terug naar deze woelige jaren. Op deze avond bespreken tijdgenoten van toen en nu het Ik-tijdperk van verleden en heden. Read more and register
Book launch and workshop The Wireless World 1945-1975
16 September 13:00 - 17:00 University Library, Belle van Zuylenzaal
This workshop will launch the book "The Wireless World: Global Histories of International Radio Broadcasting" and its main findings. In addition scholars will present fresh research papers to throw new perspectives on the entanglements of Decolonization and the Cold War in the wireless world. Read more and register
Derde Van der Vlislezing door wethouder Rutger Groot Wassink
21 September 20:00 Van Eesteren Museum aan de Sloterplas, Amsterdam
Rutger Groot Wassink spreekt de derde Van der Vlislezing uit. Deze lezing wordt georganiseerd in het kader van het onderzoeksproject van FGw'ers Petra Brouwer en Tim Verlaan naar wethouder Michael van der Vlis. Lees meer
Current Issues: Religious uses of fantasy fiction
26 September 16:00-17:00 Bushuis, room F1.01B
Dr. Markus Altena Davidsen will give the first lecture of the 2022-2023 Current Issues in Religious Studies and Western Esotericism lecture series. Dr. Davidsen is university lecturer in the sociology of religion at Leiden University. His research interests include fiction-based religion, the pragmatics of religious texts, religious education, and method and theory in the study of religion. Read more
Dynamic Balances: Public Health in the Premodern World
30 September 16:00-17:30
The ERC research project team ‘Healthscaping Urban Europe, 1200-1500’ organises its concluding event. The final plenary session is open to public. If you would like to join, please send an email to Peyman Amiri ( for registration. Please indicate in your email if you would like to join in person or receive a link to follow the event online. Read more
Creative Writing for ASH staff members
13 October, 27 October and 10 November from 10:00 - 13:30
ASH offers a Creative Writing Workshop by Marie Beauchamps on 13 October, 27 October and 10 November from 10:00 - 13:30. The number of participants is limited and the workshop is open to staff only. PhD candidates can take the Creative Writing Course in the PhD Skills program. Read more and register
Grant news and upcoming deadlines
Call for applications | AIHR PhD Finishing Fellowships
The Faculty of Humanities invites applications for PhD Finishing Fellowships, tenable from January 1, 2023. Deadline is 15 October 2022.
Each fellow will be offered a temporary contract as a PhD for 0,5 fte and for a period of up to 12 months. They are required to deliver a completed dissertation (defined as "dissertation submitted to the examination committee") by the end of the fellowship period. In principle, we expect the fellow to reside in the Netherlands during the period of the fellowship. Read more
Vossius Fund for Research Fellows open for applications
The Vossius Center offers funding for Research Fellows. The next deadline is 30 November 2022 for fellowships between May 2023 and December 2023. Read more