
TypeScript Weekly

Issue #195 — September 14, 2022

Announcing TypeScript 4.8

TypeScript 4.8 has been released and improves type narrowing and compatibility for union and intersection types. It also makes rebuilds faster when using the --build, --watch, or --incremental flags. And, as always, there’s a whole bunch of smaller improvements as well.

Daniel Rosenwasser

Building Complex Types in TypeScript

The type system in TypeScript is extremely powerful, giving the developer the ability to pull problems that would arise at runtime into the compiler to be resolved as soon as the code gets written. This article explains how to build complex types using fundamental concepts.

Chris Barbour

Best Practices for TypeScript Monorepos

Using TypeScript project references, managing dependencies, setting up workspaces, and configuring tools such as Turborepo, Prettier, and ESLint.

David Herbert

TypeScript Crash Course

Become a TypeScript wizard from scratch with Matt Pocock — the “Rodney Mullen of TypeScript”.

Matt Pocock

Best Practices for Creating a Modern npm Package

This tutorial walks step by step through creating an npm package using modern best practices as of 2022.

Brian Clark

Curated by Marius Schulz
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