
Disruption follows intention.

The hourlong live event started 45-minutes late.

It was Day One of a weeklong challenge. There were nearly a thousand people in the virtual waiting room, and the loudest voices there were neither calm nor kind.

When the speaker, Rachel, finally appeared, I expected profuse apologies. Instead, she assured us that she and her team would make things right. Then she taught us a phrase.

“I recently learned that disruption follows intention. It means, when we commit to change—like you did when you signed up for this challenge—we shift the energy in our environment and create disequilibrium.”

“Things look messed up, but actually, disruption is a sign that your intention is working.”

As I type, I’m dealing with relentless disruption. Two of my major appliances broke down (first the dryer, then the dishwasher). My kids’ school teachers went on strike, delaying the start of school indefinitely. And my son’s car just quit working, too.

Here’s what else is true about this moment:

  1. I recently committed to writing another book (and this time, pursue traditional publication).

  2. My son rejoined the high school football team (prodded by a powerful “oracle dream” he saw one night).

  3. We welcomed our newest family member: a rescue dog from Houston, Texas (her name is Nicki Minaj).

I’m not gonna lie; I am stressed by this mess. Knowing it’s to be expected when big intentions are set helps me cope, but only so much.

All I can do is trust how “disruption follows intention” rings true deep inside my bones, find an innate allure to this disruption, and yield to it. Completely.

If you, too, are experiencing disequilibrium, please raise your hand so I can hold it in mine.

Together, we’ll keep ourselves from second guessing our powerful intentions, and make it through the hard times.


P.S. Thank you for reading this! Please press forward and share with someone you think needs a Nudge.

P.P.S. This is one of the most beautiful songs about hard times I’ve ever heard. Sometimes raw honesty is the best healing balm.

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