
These days, it’s difficult to stay informed when you are bombarded with information from all directions. Amid grabby headlines and social media hysteria, you have to sort the truth from falsehood, fact from opinion. 

In recent years, we’ve realized the importance of having a free, independent press.
Public Radio Tulsa is funded by listeners, people like you, who value the truth and stories free from bias.  

And here at
KWGS and NPR, our reporters and journalists work hard to provide you with just that — accurate, trustworthy news and in-depth stories that give you the context and perspective you need to stay informed.  
But we can’t do this without your support. 

Support the news you rely on.
Your contribution to Public Radio Tulsa helps to ensure fair, impartial, in-depth journalism has a home in northeast Oklahoma. 

Donate today to the station that keeps you informed.  
Thank you, 

Cassidy Mudd, News Director
Questions about your pledge? Contact Judith Nole at or (918) 631-3118. 
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