[Image of Carl]

Welcome to Newsletter #263

A bunch of tales I wanted to share with you

A tale I read

The Day My Dog Spontaneously Combusted by Brian Bilston

A tale I heard

Actor and musician Kiefer Sutherland on his favourite British saying: 

"I get called Kief in England more than any other place. I met some young parents in about 2001 who had named their son Kiefer, but I’ve never met anyone called Kiefer that is my age. As for my favourite British expression, there’s “bit and bobs”, which is really sweet and reminds me of my grandma, and “Oi!” which is not technically British, but any time I go “Oi!” it stops the room."

A tale I saw

The Film by Ella Frears

A tale I wrote

The man meets his first desk. It’s much smaller than he imagined. It looks exactly like everyone else’s. He plonks himself on the too-hard computer chair and imagines doing so another 25,000 times. He slides his fingertips over the pale wood. She’ll do, he tries. No one laughs. He holds the mouse like a human hand. The bleak wheels slide him under what will become his breakfast bar, picnic bench, occasional dining table, head rest, punching bag, tear catcher, one-time ironing board. His legs barely fit. He doesn’t think to complain. He imagines buying a personalised mug but never gets round to it.  

A tail I like

[A tail I like]
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