Volume 17, Issue 2 | October 2022
Student News
Northwestern Productions kicked off their second 24-Hour Film Challenge! Raeann Goetz shares her experience bringing her ideas to life with this challenge...

"The theatre company that I grew up with had this thing every couple of years called 24-Hour Plays. During that, they would write, cast, rehearse, and perform a play all in a day. When I became a part of the executive staff for Northwestern Productions in 2021, I knew I wanted to bring something new to the table, and the 24-Hour Play idea came to mind. I brought it up to Professor Sorenson and the other members, and the 24-Hour Film Challenge was born!" - Raeann Goetz
This year was the second time completing the challenge, and it was even more fun than the first. Genres were given out to each team and a related requirement for them. The three teams this year had the genres of Mystery, Spoof, and Western. 

After an evening with little sleep, and a long day after, three incredible films were created. The challenge ended with pizza and a premiere showing, then the students all went home to nap until Monday. 

The films will be uploaded on theMEL.Media, so make sure to keep an eye out!
Alumni News
Chenue Her (‘13) was nominated for two Midwest Regional Emmy Awards for his work at WOI in Des Moines. 

Jared Myers ('15) was nominated for a Midwest Regional Emmy for Editing at Blue Key Media.

Vanshay Murdock ('18) won a first-place award from the National Press Photographer Association for his video work at KMSP 9 in the Twin Cities.
Alumnus Ryan Hall ('18) transforms his story into a reality!

Back in February, Hall couldn't sleep, so at 2:00 a.m. he grabbed his laptop and started writing notes for a script about a boy who loves to write comic books, and an eccentric café owner that sees potential in him and a few other teens.

Today, that story is the pilot episode for Eagle Brook Church's newest elementary media series "Comics Café", a sitcom-style show that will run the entire school year during the weekend kids services, teaching kids through a narrative story what it means to follow Jesus and live the way he meant for us.

Hall is excited to share his project after working with his team for 8 months to assemble this sitcom-style show! You can view the series after it airs each week on the Eagle Brook Church Students YouTube channel here: 

Northwestern Media welcomes Wes Halula

We are excited to welcome Wes Halula ('15) to Northwestern Media as the Senior Video Producer.

Wes is a Northwestern alum, who brings significant experience to this new role. His past credits include feature film, non-profit production, and even Veggie Tales.

In his new role, Wes will be helping Northwestern Media stations tell their stories, and reach listeners, with a variety of video projects.

He joined the Northwestern team on September 12.

Faculty Updates
On October 1, Professor Ann Sorenson was inducted into the Minnehaha Academy Fine Arts Hall of Fame. Congrats, Professor Sorenson!
Department Updates
With over 70 attendees, the first ever MEL Conference was a huge hit! From 9th graders to high school teachers, all who participated learned about finding their story, putting their work in front of others, and practicing their craft daily.

A huge thank you to our speakers: Drew Gneiser, Karyn Tomlinson, Andrew Hatling, Joe Sutton, Andy Youso, and Mary Jo Hoffman!

Make sure to follow on Instagram for more takeaways from the conference and to check in on what our students are doing this year.
Note from the Faculty

As I have been getting settled in my office this fall, I am both fatigued with the prolific newness of everything and grateful for the abundant blessings God has given not only to me, but to the MEL, the Communication department, and to Northwestern at large. Hanging out in the Mel Johnson Media Center is a blessing that not only I enjoy, but so many of you get to share, as well.

Delightful Students

I praise God for the inspiring, hard-working, dedicated students I get to spend my days with on campus. I continue to be impressed by the myriad of projects, committees, sports teams, orchestras, and workshop groups students are investing time in on top of their academic studies. It has been a joy to get to know a bunch of you better, and I can imagine that you all feel blessed to be in community together, too.

Inspiring Colleagues

God has also blessed the Communication department with a rich collection of professors from a deep and wide array of experiences. I am humbled to work alongside such kind, knowledgeable, and collaborative colleagues. There is a part of me that wishes I could join you, students, and take every one of the other courses in the department along with you. I would have much to learn about film, audio, story, and so much more! God is faithful in his workings and ways.

Nearby Opportunity

The MEL is also blessed with having solid opportunities for growth and development right here in the same building as our classes and studios are housed. With KTIS upstairs, I am thankful for the support, inspiration, project possibilities, and student employment positions that are present every day. Right here. In the MEL. What a unique and amazing arrangement that simply does not exist on other college campuses. I am especially excited for the MEL Conference, which took place on October 1st that provided for a half day of GREAT learning opportunities for current and prospective students alike.

Lovely campus

At this time of the year, I am almost looking for a reason to head over to Naz or the Billy for a meeting or an errand. With the month of October upon us, driving or walking across campus is a glorious treat: seeing football or soccer practice happening, watching the leaves falling, breathing in the crisp-aired mornings with the scent of wood warming a nearby home—what a joy!

Despite the full to-do lists and calendars that come with living the college campus life—especially this time of the year, there is much beauty all around. The natural world alone makes it evident at this time every year: God has blessed us abundantly. As difficult days come, remember the power of focusing on expressing our gratitude to God as he continues to bless us abundantly in a myriad of ways.

Praying Jesus’ joy and peace are yours as you express your gratitude to Him,

Laura Watkins

The joy of the Lord is our strength. --Nehemiah 8:10

Laura Watkins, M.A.
Upcoming Dates

October 13-14
Quad 1 Finals 

October 17-18
Fall Break
(no classes) 

November 3
Fine Arts Event
For high school students interested in the fine arts

November 3-12
Theatre: Little Women
Knight Performance Hall

November 9
Advising Day
(no classes)

November 23-27
Thanksgiving Break
(no classes)

Featured Student
Landon Groen ('26)
Media Production
What are your plans for the future?

My future plans for the future, at least so far, are to be a videographer or to go into the Christian film business.

What opportunities have you had at UNW?

Just in this first month at UNW, I have already had the wonderful opportunity to gain experience in media production through truly helpful classes, as well as hands-on experience through the film workshop I am a part of.

What is your favorite thing about UNW?

My favorite thing about UNW is the AMAZING community that is rooted in Christ-centered beliefs, and the awesome Media Production program.
Featured Alumni
Tori Hoehne ('20)
Public Relations
Where has life taken you after UNW?

Life after graduation has taken me on a route that I never would have expected. After graduating in spring 2020 (covid year) I wasn't sure of what kind of job I would be able to find and where it would be. I had many dreams, ideas, and expectations of where I would be/go and none of those were being met. I had struggled to find a job and eventually, the Lord opened a door for me to work at the church I grew up attending (the LAST place I thought I would be). Almost a year after graduation I started working in our youth ministry department and found that God has given me a heart for students, which I would have never realized unless I took that job. It was a perfect fit for that season of life. Recently I took a new position within the church as Project Manager in the Communications department. I am so excited to continue to use what I studied at UNW and to still get to work with students, just in a different role. 

What advice do you have for current students?

My best advice that I could give a current student is to soak up every moment of school. Everyone will tell you that it goes by fast, and they are right! Before you know it, you will be graduating and looking back on all the memories you made. Take a risk, try something new, and live every moment to the fullest. You will not regret it and you will have some amazing memories because of it. 
UNW Communication Department
UNW Communication Department
UNW Communication Department
UNW Communication Department
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