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Dear FICA Members, Sponsors & Industry

Another month goes by with uncertainity if markets are righting themselves but the logs still keep flowing on our NZ roads and ships stll keep coming into the Ports. I have had a chance to travel about a bit last month and the regional variations with domestic processing or not have such a huge influence on the forestry community.

A recent hui in Tairawhiti with contractors shed light on the lack of communications and engagement regional leaders undertake with the sector. In a region so reliant on forestry (yes still 1 in 4) have done touch point with the industry it seems incredible not more attention is given! With over 20 contractors either moving south or closing shop out of Gisborne it’s got to have significant impact on the economy.

I don’t want to jinx anything again either but last month I said we were pleased to see the rain stop top of the south and we ended up witnessing major flooding - road closures and crews unable to access work sites until roads cleared.

As we wait for spring to spring - we can take time to digest the launch of a couple of key events - firstly the Forest Industry Transformational Plan a document set out after consultation with the industry sectors around generating more value for New Zealand, forestry being a key pillar of our regional communities and underpinning New Zealands low-emissions economy.
And then the announcement of the Fast & forward Forestry EXPO in Rotorua November 18 & 19. A gathering that has not been seen in NZ before of the latest technologies in forestry equipment - industry innovations & forestry stakeholders with services & products that showcase the best of the best. See you there so mark your diary.

Check out our next webinar too listed below, ideally for those that need a brush up on Business Financials 101. Join Sonya Elmiger at the end of the month 28 September.

The MicoInnovation Project & finalists were judged late last week so the three successful projects will be announced soon - watch this space!

And lastly a successful board meeting last month with a collaborative gathering with NZFOA and discussions around the future of their world. So much in their decision making, will have an influence on our contractor world that to be forewarned means a greater opportunity to for-armed!

For members your board is working hard to keep relevant our challenges and support the industry however possible for imporvement. It is great to announce that each one of our members will be receiving a personalized one on one call from a board member over the next 6 weeks for a general catch up & state if the nation chat.

Plenty going on, the good and bad but let’s continue the storytelling to ensure that when forestry is the BBQ topic - it’s positive!
Ka kite ano, 
Prue Younger Sign Off
Your Voice - New FICA Website
WEDNESDAY 28 September :  4pm – 5pm
Sonya Elmiger, Blackburne Group : Business Financials 101

Sonya is a Chartered Accountant and director at Blackburne Group as well as a valuable executive director on the FICA Board. She is going to be providing insight into cashflows, financing and asset protection as well as practical reporting within small to medium businesses – a must for the administration manager within your business
Join us on the WEBINAR link below 5 mins prior to the event start time to make sure we get you on board prior to the speaker
Please register using the link below.
Topic: Business Financials 101

Time: Wednesday, September 28, 2022 04:00 PM – 5.00PM
Register in advance for this webinar:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Environment Canterbury Rivers Team - Wanting to access wire rope

A message from Environment Canterbury Rivers Team to contractors:
The Environment Canterbury Rivers Team use wire rope for river protection works to tie back trees and concrete block anchors for bank protection. We generally use mix of new and second-hand wire from 16mm dia. to 26mm dia. and are currently wanting to purchase some spools of used 26mm dia. luffing type wire rope which Forestry Contractors use quite extensively.
Please could you put in contact with some Canterbury (North to South) based Forestry Contractors to see if we can arrange to purchase any used wire rope that they may have as per the images below.
Thanks and regards
Ronald Klok
River Engineering Officer - Northern
Environment Canterbury

+64 27 435 4221
FICA congratulate and welcome our latest partner to our awesome team already.
Welcome to QUADCO Group
Support worker wellbeing to create a safe workplace  
With Mental Health Awareness Week coming up on 26 September 2022, it’s a great reminder to check in with your employees about their wellbeing, particularly those that might be off work due to injury.   
ACC research shows that helping an injured employee stay connected to their workplace is good for their physical and mental recovery. It encourages social interaction, routine, and a sense of purpose, which all contribute to a better recovery.  ACC has created some useful resources to help you understand your role in recovery at work and start the conversation with your injured team members. Visit the ACC website to view the resources.
When an employee is recovering from an injury, any mental health issues they may be experiencing could be a contributing factor to prolonged time out of the workplace.  For most people with straightforward injuries, work should be a key part of their rehabilitation after an injury. Supporting your employees to recover at work makes good business sense:
  • by playing an early and active role in their recovery, you’ll be helping them recover better and get back to their job sooner
  • you’re more likely to retain their skills and knowledge – the longer a person spends off work due to injury, the less likely they are to return to their job
  • your whole team will see the benefits of supporting an injured colleague back to work, boosting team morale and helping build a positive workplace culture
Preventing injuries from happening in the first place is also critical to ensure your workers go home to their whānau at the end of every day.  Physical injury and mental health are closely linked.  Employees that are under stress at work or have mental health issues are more likely to get injured.  As a result, ACC has partnered and invested with organisations such as the Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand, Mentemia and Farmstrong, that all have a common purpose of helping employers work towards having a mentally well workforce with the aim to prevent injuries happening at work and keep their people safe.
ACC website UTM - click here

ACC Mentemia newsroom UTM - click here

ACC Farmstrong newsroom UTM- click here

MPI have received and processed 487 nominations for silviculture workers, 13 shy of the 500 cap. There are no more places available as the silviculture exception is now closed. All expressions of interest (EOIs) needed to be received by Immigration NZ by 1 September.  Silviculture employers needing further migrant workers must now apply directly to Immigration NZ through the Immigration NZ Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) pathway. 

Click here - nformation about : Accredited Employer Work Visa | Immigration New Zealand

NOVEMBER 18 & 19

If you have a product or service you would like to promote, head to our website and look at the limited spaces available - SELLING FAST.


Winners took the Stage at the CNIWC Forestry Awards Rotorua in August

MC Pio Terei kept the 450 strong crowd at the Energy Centre Rotorua formal dinner bubbling along as the heroes of the region were toasted for their professionalism, dedication and effort. It’s the last region in the country to establish awards but sports a real point of difference with quite different categories, including forest engineering, best native forest enterprise and best farm forester. The Generation Programme, which creates a pathway and training for those keen to get into the industry, was also celebrated.

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