Draco Sports Trike Cuts the Cost of Driving to Work by 90%!
We introduced the Draco Sports Trike™ in a recent newsletter. The Draco is designed to enhance the pure joy of driving – yet still with an eye on safety. The Draco reverse trike is smaller and more agile than the Defiant EV3 Roadster™. Because it’s lighter, it’s even more efficient than the Defiant! We’ve been refining our figures and simulations indicate that the Draco will cut your average costs of commuting to work by about 90%!
Check out the numbers. The average round trip daily commute is about 40 miles. The average car get about 25 MPG (trucks and large SUVs might get less) and you will need about 1.6 gallons of gas every day. So, with an average cost of gasoline at about $3.65/gallon, the typical commuter is paying almost $6 a day to commute to work. Our dune buggy styled Draco Sports Trike is light weight and very efficient. We expect it require about 150 watt-hours to travel a mile. To put this in perspective, if you had two of the old 75 watt lightbulbs turned on for one hour – that’s the amount of energy needed to go one mile in the Draco. Multiply 150 by the 40 mile commute, and you get 6,000 Watt-hours or 6 Kilowatt-hours. The average cost of electricity at home is about 10 cents/kilowatt-hour, for a daily commuting cost of about 60 cents per day!