
Fall 2022

Fall is a great time to complete some key action steps
in the college process, listed below for grades 9-12.
In late August, Kristen attended a State University System of Florida presentation. Click HERE and HERE to learn more. 

Parents - as you begin to make fall campus visits with your students, there are some keys to a successful trip. Click HERE to read about some do's and don'ts. 

As the school year gets underway, use these tips to help you turn your fixed mindset into a growth mindset to help you succeed. Remember that failures should be seen as a learning and growth opportunity!

Follow us @cacg_admissions. Also, click HERE to check out the website, where you can see blog posts, meet the team, and read testimonials.
Seniors - the fall is a busy time but you can do it! Remember to stay organized, work hard, and take deep breaths. The college admissions process is not a race! Click HERE to read about how to approach the journey in a thoughtful and calm way. Also, click HERE for Bentley University's guide to stay organized and streamline the process. 

As you start to receive increased communication from colleges and universities, your parents, counselors, and teachers are here to help you. Remember, at CACG we are happy to conduct mock interviews and help you prepare for any invites you receive.

One action you need to complete in the application process is to send official test scores to colleges. Click HERE to learn about how to send ACT and SAT scores to colleges and universities. Additionally, some universities, including many public universities in Florida, are requesting that students complete a Student Self-reported Academic Record (SSAR). This means that you record your academic courses and grades onto a form and submit the form to the colleges requesting it. Click HERE to learn more about SSAR and HERE for how to submit yours. 

Parents - click HERE for some helpful tips to keep in mind to better support your student through the college process without adding additional stress.

Continue to work hard in your classes and work through your applications.  Ask for help when you need it - you have a supportive community behind you! 
As the college admissions process comes to life this year, remember your Junior year is arguably one of the most important years when it comes to the admissions process. This is because it is the last full year of high school that colleges will be able to see and assess when reviewing your application. Click HERE for some helpful do's and don'ts to remember this year!

Attend a college fair at your school, in your local area, or online. Click HERE to learn the best ways to approach college fairs and avoid information overload. Continue to build out and develop an appropriate list of colleges. 

If you have not already, develop your standardized testing plans. Take the PSAT and PreACT offered at your school. Click HERE for a resource that provides free online prep for the PSAT and National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (NMSQT). If you have not done so, take a practice ACT and SAT, or a combination diagnostic test. Start to think about registering for the real ACT or SAT. Both Kaplan and Khan offer some free online test prep plans that can help you prepare. Also, remember a solid list of colleges and universities are now test optional. Click HERE to see a list of these colleges and if they might be a good option for you. 

Work hard in school and ask for help if you need it! 
As the school year gets underway, continue to deepen your involvement academically, socially, and in extracurriculars.

Attend a college fair at your school, in your local area, or online. Click HERE to learn the best ways to approach college fairs and avoid information overload.

Take the PSAT and PreACT offered at your school. Additionally, mock tests, commonly available with test preparation groups, are a great way to determine and understand your preferred standardized test. This will all be helpful to you as you begin to develop your standardized testing plan. Click HERE for a resource that provides free online prep for the PSAT and National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (NMSQT). 

Work hard and develop relationships with your teachers. Identify and articulate your values and find ways to participate that uphold what matters to you! 

Now that you are settling into your first year of high school, reflect on how the year is going so far. How are you getting involved in school life? If you have not already, get involved in clubs, build relationships with teachers and peers, and don't forget to prioritize your mental health. Look for opportunities to explore your interests and get involved with sports, arts, community service, clubs, and other organizations. Work hard, stay organized, do your homework and ask for help when you need it! 

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