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Oct 4, 9-10:30 am: MAHC Member Event, In Person, Portland, ME

Nov 17, 8 am - 4 pm: Housing Policy Conference, Portland Westin Harborview REGISTER TODAY

$20 million MaineHousing PLA 4% Walk-In Program with Subsidy Info Session, 9/16, 2 pm

Info session hosted by MaineHousing with the Maine State Building and Construction Trades Council (entity general contractors will have PLA with). Program will have the same rules and limits as the most recent 4% Walk-In Program with Subsidy, with the exception of the requirement to use a PLA. Created with ARPA subsidy from the Maine Jobs and Recovery Program. Attend this opportunity to listen to an overview of the PLA process and ask questions for its mid-September release.  Or Dial: 1 (888) 623-4196.  Access Code: 367646757.

QAP Ch 27: Proposed Changes to Owner Transfer Rule

MaineHousing Asset Management Notice for Proposed Changes to Ownership Transfer Rule. In follow-up to the adoption of the 2023/2024 Qualified Allocation Plan, MaineHousing has begun the process of revising Chapter 27, the Transfers of Ownership Interests Rule to address growing concerns about aggregators. The Rule sets forth the requirements and procedures for obtaining the consent of MaineHousing to changes of ownership interests in multifamily and supportive housing projects. MaineHousing is looking for comment and feedback regarding the proposed changes.

HUD’s Funding - Unsheltered & Rural Homelessness, 9/14, 2-3 pm or 9/15, 3-4:15 pm

The Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Supplemental Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) to Address Unsheltered and Rural Homelessness (Special NOFO), makes $322 million in competitive funding available to communities to address unsheltered and rural homelessness. $54.5 million is set aside for rural areas. Applications due 10/20. Details: Special NOFO

9/14: No registration required. Please click on this link at that time. Sign in early as attendance is capped at 1,000.

9/15: Register here.

MaineHousing Recovery Housing Updates
The new offering description here.  

Efficiency Maine RFP for DC Fast Chargers
Efficiency Maine plans to issue a Request for Proposals to install and operate DC fast chargers in northern and eastern Maine. Please click here to view the Notice of Intent to issue this RFP. This Notice is intended to give bidders extra time to develop their proposals and project teams. They will answer questions as the final specifications for the RFP are developed.

New Report! The National Housing Trust Fund: An Overview of 2017 State Projects

NLIHC today issued a new report, The National Housing Trust Fund: An Overview of 2017 State Projects.  There were 2 projects with 17 units total in Maine. Their 2018 Project list is coming this November, and there were 4 projects with 19 total HTF units.

Strengthening the Cooperative Economy: Practical Tips for Current and Prospective Co-ops Webinar Series - Oct/Nov, Virtual

Cooperative Maine Business Alliance and Bernstein Shur host this series to celebrate “Co-op Month” in October. Geared towards business owners, employees, community members, and others considering a co-op structure for their business or community, as well as those who currently operate a co-op. Details


Join MAHC Today - Membership Makes Our Advocacy Stronger

Not a member? Know an organization that cares about homes for all people in Maine? Want to make a contribution to support MAHC's advocacy and events? JOIN TODAY.

Meet Laura Mitchell, new Director of MAHC

Reach out to me anytime to set up a one on one conversation about your organization, what you see as challenges, and how MAHC can support you.
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