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Do you watch Netflix? After the unbeatable “Office”, I got hooked on “Breaking Bad”. But as watching that one is coming to an end too, I am open to hearing recommendations on shows I might have missed.

You certainly know that the most-watched Netflix series of all time is “Squid Game”, the South Korean controversial drama about people risking their lives in the hope to win a cash prize.

What would you do if you won a lottery that suddenly brought millions to your bank account? One of the contestants in the show, player no. 067, said that if she would win, she’d like to visit Jeju Island. Risking one’s life for a trip?

Well, Jeju is indeed a very special South Korean island, but it doesn’t really require surviving a death match to access it. I already wrote about the best things to do in Jeju, with the NSFW erotic museum Jeju Loveland always driving a lot of attention.

But beyond being a lovers’ paradise, the destination of many Korean honeymoons, Jeju is also home to an impressive volcano that doubles as the highest peak in the whole of South Korea.

Reaching this summit is not really as dangerous as the Squid Game, but as I have learned myself, one should approach every mountain with proper respect.

You can read about my limping descent in the Hallasan Mountain hiking trip report. If you do plan to visit South Korea, I warmly recommend bookmarking or pinning this page, as Jeju offers a lot of hiking opportunities (there is even a trail encircling the entire island!), and nature is truly special.

Looking forward to hearing your hiking suggestions for my future trips, or Netflix recommendations for today.   

Have a chilling week!

Ivan Kralj

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