
Tell Federal Officials: No Expansion Of Fracked Gas Exports

We must halt the fossil fuel industry’s plans to dramatically expand exports of fracked gas to overseas markets. This plan would lock communities worldwide into decades of fossil fuel use, when instead we should be rapidly transitioning to a clean energy economy. Take this action >>

Urge President Biden to Be a #PlasticFreePresident!

Make the United States a leader in solving our environmental crisis by urging President Biden to take eight actions to repair the damage and put an end to plastic polluting our communities and world. Take this action >>

We Don’t Need New Gas Stations

Global oil demand dropped sharply during the pandemic, and hasn’t bounced completely back. According to this analysis by Carbon Brief, the world may have passed “peak oil” and oil use will continue to decline. As renewable energy replaces fossil fuels, we’ll need EV charging stations instead of gas stations. Some local governments in California have taken steps to ban new gas stations – your city or county can too. Go to the Local Climate Actions Toolbox for a sample ordinance >>

Vote for Climate!

As individuals, we're adopting low-carbon and resilient lifestyles, but much of the transition to a renewable energy world will need to be on a larger scale of government. Our votes are our superpowers.

When you vote in November, choose candidates for whom climate is a top priority.

The Sierra Club makes recommendations on candidates – check your local Chapter for their political endorsements. Another source of endorsements (mostly in swing states) is a nonprofit called Climate Cabinet, which tracks incumbents’ climate voting records.

Politicians must hear how important climate action is to voters. In addition to voting on November 8, you can contact elected officials at any time by phone or email and write informed and persuasive letters to the editor. You can find actions to adopt locally in the Toolbox – send information on the actions appropriate for your area to incumbents and candidates.