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Dear Friends of Sue,

The State Primary is here, and even though I do not have a primary opponent, I am asking for your vote! I am also writing to share my thoughts on two elections where voters have choices to make. Tomorrow I'll be voting for Cinde Warmington for Executive Council, and I am asking Hanover and Lyme voters to consider re-electing their current slate of State Representatives: Mary Hakken-Phillips, Russell Muirhead, James Murphy, and Sharon Nordgren.

It has been my honor to serve alongside the Hanover-Lyme Representatives to the NH House, Sharon Nordgren, Russell Muirhead, Jim Murphy, and Mary Hakken-Philips. Over the past two years we have cosponsored each other's legislation to improve access to healthcare, protect public schools, teachers and students, fight back against the assault on reproductive rights, and defend our democracy.

We worked together to elevate the need for access to COVID-19 vaccinations for local residents and Dartmouth College students, and our constituents benefitted from our coordinated team approach.

In light of the tremendous pressure on state legislatures ahead due to the US Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v Wade and the anticipated further rolling back of fundamental rights at the federal level, it is important to return the Hanover team of State Reps to Concord. They helped defeat some of the most extreme legislation being pushed by the Free Staters over the past two years, and we need them back in their seats to continue the fight. If you live in Hanover or Lyme, I hope you will join me in supporting Reps Nordgren, Muirhead, Murphy, and Hakken-Philips!
Once the polls close on the State Primary tomorrow at 7pm, the General Election will begin with 8 weeks on the clock. With so much at stake this year, we will need all hands on deck. You will see me holding signs, knocking on doors, and supporting the entire Democratic ticket. Thank you so much for your support. It means a lot that we are in this together. 

In solidarity,

Senator Sue Prentiss
New Hampshire State Senate, District 5
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I'll Take a Yard Sign!
Paid for by Friends of Sue Prentiss for NH Senate. Abigail Kennedy, Fiscal Agent.
6 Batchelder Ave, Lebanon, NH 03784

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