Are you waiting for things to be perfectly aligned before you make your next move?


Have you ever looked at an abstract piece of art and been fascinated by its creativity?  This can be said for our lives! There is beauty, creativity, and fullness in the areas that we allow to come together as God wants them. A life well lived is not perfectly put together. In fact, there may be a lot of areas that still require some adjusting or readjusting. Does that mean you throw your entire life away because you still have areas that need some work, of course not?


Have you ever visited someone with a lot of kids…you can tell because there are very apparent signs of kids' toys, sports equipment, and even articles of clothing around? Yet these parents may seem unbothered by the mess because they are living in the moment of being present with their kids. They are either attending to the kids' immediate needs by hearing them talk about their day or preparing a meal that they can all sit together at the table to eat. 


Then there are those who require everything to be tidy, in place and put together before they can be present at the moment because the mess is driving them crazy.  I am not saying neglect your house, be dirty and messy, NOPE NOT AT ALL. What I am saying is to take some time to really look around your personal or professional space. Have you lost focus on being present because of the distraction of clutter or the obsession with being perfect? Take a step back and realize that you can be imperfectly perfect!


 1.)Be Present and Live in the moment

2.) Stop trying to make things perfect

3.) Be Still: inhale, exhale and experience what’s around you


Remember: Don’t let the mess, cause you to miss out on how you are truly blessed!


For more tips, resources, and solutions for your everyday life connect with us at to schedule a free 30-minute discovery call.


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