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Dear <<First Name>>,
Tuesday, September 20, 2022
Join us this Saturday to talk about YOUR concerns!
We are bringing back the popular, pre-COVID tradition of the ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION for students. This Saturday, September 24 from 1:00 pm until 3:00 pm, at the Oak Bend Library Branch, we will gather with good food and good company to talk about issues important to YOU! When you sign up, you'll choose topics that interest you most and have a chance to share additional ideas. We will prepare short videos and/or readings to help guide the informal discussion.
Click here to sign up for this fun and casual event.

Since we will be continuing the dialogue of awareness and concerns about community and country issues, we will sign for service hours again because Civitas believes that being an informed, active citizen is a service to the community. You may need to check with your school's requirements for service hours first.
Retro Report -- Mid-Term Elections in 1966

Earlier, we provided access to a Retro Report on how consequential the mid-term elections were in 1994. Retro Report has just produced a new 10-minute review of the 1966 mid-terms which was a major advance for the conservative wing of the Republican Party. You may view it by clicking below.
Delegates get ready! High School Model UN Country Draft October 8!

(A team of student playing the trivia game at last year's Country Draft.)

High School Model UN events are quickly approaching. The first important date to plan for is the Country Draft on Saturday, October 8 from 10:00 am until noon. All High School Model UN events will be in person and held at Browning Auditorium at Webster University. Any student can attend the Country Draft, although just one representative from a school is required to attend.

Moji Sidiqi, International Institute               We have an exciting speaker lined up for the draft day, Moji Sidiqi, who manages the Afghan Support Program for the St. Louis International Institute. She will talk about what our greater community is providing for the Afghan refugees who have arrived to St. Louis in the past year. Moji will share her personal story as well. We will also play a few rounds of trivia (with prizes) before drafting for countries. Civitas will need to know which one of the three sessions available (two on November 19 and one on December 3) that you plan or your group plans on attending before the draft day.

     Sign up for the Country Draft by clicking here.
Celebrate UN Day at the International Institute
Saturday, October 22, 5:00-8:00 pm
Through the theme, "Nourishing Peace," the United Nations Association of St. Louis, co-sponsored by Civitas, is planning a celebration honoring UN Day, the official creation of the United Nations in October of 1945. The national UN Day theme is "Nourishing Peace," how food security and peace are intertwined on the international scale. Food insecurity in the St. Louis area will also be discussed. The event will begin with a keynote speaker from the UN, followed by a panel of local experts who will discuss many components of food and peace. Dance and music performances are also on the agenda, and special awards will be presented to five individuals in St. Louis who help work towards the goals of the UN. There will be plenty of time to mingle, too, and enjoy good food and beverages. The event will be at the International Institute of St. Louis (IISTL): 3401 Arsenal St., St. Louis, MO 63118. It is free to the public, but please register at the link below. Civitas students can earn up to 3 hours for attending all or part of the celebration.
Middle School Model UN News
Middle School Model UN is back in action! Join us for our first semester meeting on Monday, September 26th (via Zoom) from 4-5 pm for information about General Assemblies, country selection, classroom visits, and what else to expect this school year. If you have questions, please email Bobbi at
Saturday, September 24, 1:00 pm until 3:00 pm
A Student-Led discussion--at Oak Bend Library (earn 2 service hours!)
Sign up here.
Saturday, October 8
High School Model UN Country Draft at Webster University
Sign up here.
Saturday, October 22, 5:00 pm until 7:00 pm
A Celebration of the UN at the International Institute (earn 3 service hours!)
Sign up here.
Wednesday, November 9, 7:00 pm
Post-Midterm election discussion via Zoom with guest speakers (earn 2 service hours!)
Sign up here!

Saturday, November 19, 9:00 am until noon
HSMUN Session A at Webster University
Saturday, November 19, 1:00 pm until 4:00 pm
HSMUN Session B at Webster University
Saturday, December 3, 9:00 am until noon
HSMUN Session C at Webster University
Picture of the Week
The Tribute in Light art installation is seen from Jersey City, New Jersey, on Sunday, the 21st anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks.  --Jeenah Moon/Getty Images
This past week at the United Nations
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