
FLL 2022-23

The new season is underway, schools are back and we hope everyone is getting excited about this year's challenge!

FLL Coaches Conference (Kickoff)

Saturday, October 1
8:30 a.m.

The event will start at 8:30am and go until around 1pm. We will have details on the season’s qualifying events, updates on judging, Q&A on the robot game and a ton of great content to help both new and returning coaches.

Registration and agenda coming out soon!

FLL Build

Saturday, October 15
The Commons, Mainstreet

10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Register Here

As a part of UMBC's Homecoming, we'll be having a FIRST LEGO League Build in The Commons. Most models take around 30-45 minutes to build, and you can build as many as you like. Due to the complexity of some of the models, we welcome adults and children ages 8 and up.


We are always looking for more judges and referees! Anyone can be a volunteer. Training is provided. Click here to sign up for the upcoming season.


We're getting SUPERPOWERED

This year's FIRST® ENERGIZE season is presented by Qualcomm. The FIRST LEGO League challenge is called SUPERPOWERED. Students will learn about different types of energy sources, storage, distribution methods, and ways in which energy is consumed.



Quick Links for FIRST LEGO League teams
Challenge, Updates, and Resources
Challenge Overview
Welcome Letter
Technical Resources

First in Maryland Facebook
Maryland First Lego League Twitter
STEMaction Youtube
Maryland First Lego League
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