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Joy of Giving Back
Common people, inspiring stories 

“I couldn’t have done it without you,” 

This feeling of gratitude is ingrained in the memory of Anthea, a professional swimmer who looks back fondly on her relationship with her “Yaya,” a Tagalog word for a caretaker. 

Yaya would wake up before sunrise to get Anthea ready for swimming practice. She would make sure that Anthea had a good breakfast and made it safely to school in time for her swimming practices.

Yaya had been living with Anthea's family for over 20 years and was part of her journey through life, witnessing her hardships, heartaches, joys, celebrations and special moments.

“It’s part of the experience, don’t be sad. See the bigger picture,” 
Anthea recollected Yaya saying. Yaya was particularly supportive of Anthea when she would help calm her nervousness before a big tournament and console her if she did not win. 

When I’m up on the podium receiving my award I feel you are up there with me.” 
Anthea fondly remembers saying this to Yaya. When Anthea won championships, she gave her medals to Yaya as she felt Yaya worked just as hard as her behind the scenes.

Anthea with her Yaya

Share great companionship

Anthea would give her Yaya cards on her birthday and Mother’s Day but over the years she felt that words would not justify how much she loved her Yaya. 

Yaya has a large family back home in the Philippines. She’s very close to her daughter and husband and speaks to them regularly. She also has a close-knit circle of friends in Hong Kong. During the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, Yaya was worried about her family’s health and shared her feelings with Anthea. 

For many of us, it is impossible to consider the issue of domestic work without some emotion. We may have had close relationships with domestic workers in childhood, or as vital household support later in life.

Anthea’s heart is filled with love and gratitude for all domestic workers who look after the household, children and elderly and keep the wheels of everyday life functioning with ease.

When Anthea learnt of how the migrant domestic worker community had been hit with Covid-19, she was determined to support the community in helping improve their living conditions and safeguarding their rights. She ran a successful crowdfunding campaign in support of HELP. She amplified the message through social media and got many supporters.

Having the power to better the lives of others is, to many people, a privilege, and one that comes with its sense of obligation. Acting on these powerful feelings of shared responsibility is a great way to reinforce our values and contribute to the community.

Today, on the International Day of Charity, 5 September, let’s commit to charitable causes.



Since 1989 HELP for Domestic Workers has empowered migrant domestic workers to gain access to justice and receive fair and equal treatment through:

1. Advice and assistance

2. Awareness and education

3. Empowerment and peer support.

HELP also provides a space for employers to seek advice on domestic workers’ rights and entitlements. The employers play a crucial role within the household and in the community because their affirmation of the worker’s rights enhances their protection.

Copyright © 2022 All rights reserved. 
HELP Limited. Registered Charity IRD No: 91/16869

Our address:
Room 606, 6/F, 299QRC, Nos. 287-299 Queen’s Road Central,
Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

Our contact:
Phone: +852 25234020  WhatsApp: +852 5936 3780

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