Eyes on Napa - September 2, 2022
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Skyline Park: A Local Treasure Needs Your Voice and Support

Is Skyline Wilderness Park being actively included in the Napa County housing element for the state as a 100-unit housing site?

Skyline Wilderness Park is an 850-acre park that was once a part of Napa State Hospital grounds. Currently, the park is leased for 50 years (until 2030) by the County from the State and is administered by Skyline Park Citizens Association, a non-profit citizen’s group. In all documentation with the state, it is simply described as state-owned surplus property on Imola. What is not said is that the 5-20 acres at risk are a multi-use area that hosts large group events, including scouting, camping, equestrian events, emergency response training, and indigenous gatherings. Its use also finances between 25-50% of the upkeep of the entire park.

There is no other park like Skyline in our county. It is a place that brings a wonderful diversity of people and interests together. We are not opposed to the much needed affordable housing, but a community park, our only such park, should be protected, and not included as an option for development. 

Citizens saved Skyline Wilderness Park from development in the early 1980s, and now citizens need to come forward and protect the park in its entirety yet again! 

For more detailed information on this issue, including FAQs, please read the Napa Sierra Club in-depth article  Red Flag Warning, Save Skyline Wilderness Park from Development, by Roland Dumas, PhD

Sign the Sierra Club letter hereHere are some links to the history of Napa Vision 2050's recommendations and actions:

-Letter to State Senator Dodd and State Assembly Aguiar-Curry re: Senate Bill 20: Napa County Regional Parks and Open Space District re: Skyline Park (March 2019)

-Eyes on Napa Alert (August 2019)

-Napa Vision's Recommendations (September 2019)
Napa Sierra Club is collecting stores of those who love Skyline Wilderness Park. Do you want to participate?
Contact Roland Dumas, at

They Need to Hear from You:

Napa County Supervisors Contact List

District 1: Brad Wagenknecht: 707-253-4828

District 2: Ryan Gregory 707-259-8276

District 3: Diane Dillon 707-253-4827

District 4: Alfredo Pedroza 707-259-8278

District 5: Belia Ramos 707-259-8277

State Contact List
State Senator Bill Dodd:

State Assembly Representative Cecilia Aguiar-Curry:

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Eyes on Napa: Co-editors, Patricia Damery and Debby Fortune, Editorial Board: Eve Kahn, Gary Margadant, Rusty Cohn, Iris Barrie. Contact the editors at